LOAD authority

Users having LOAD authority at the database level, as well as INSERT privilege on a table, can use the LOAD command to load data into a table.

Note: Having DATAACCESS authority gives a user full access to the LOAD command.

Users having LOAD authority at the database level, as well as INSERT privilege on a table, can LOAD RESTART or LOAD TERMINATE if the previous load operation is a load to insert data.

Users having LOAD authority at the database level, as well as the INSERT and DELETE privileges on a table, can use the LOAD REPLACE command.

If the previous load operation was a load replace, the DELETE privilege must also have been granted to that user before the user can LOAD RESTART or LOAD TERMINATE.

If the exception tables are used as part of a load operation, the user must have INSERT privilege on the exception tables.

The user with this authority can perform QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE, RUNSTATS, and LIST TABLESPACES commands.