savepoint_id - Savepoint ID monitor element
The ID of the savepoint set within a unit of work.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Always collected |
sc_work_action_set_id - Service class work action set ID monitor element
If this activity has been categorized into a work class of service class scope, this monitor element displays the ID of the work action set associated with the work class set to which the work class belongs. Otherwise, this monitor element displays the value of 0. This monitor element is an alias for the service_class_work_action_set_id element.
This element can be used with the sc_work_class_id element to uniquely identify the service class work class of the activity, if one exists.
sc_work_class_id - Service class work class ID monitor element
If this activity has been categorized into a work class of service class scope, this monitor element displays the ID of the work class assigned to this activity. Otherwise, this monitor element displays the value of 0. This monitor element is an alias for the service_class_work_class_id element.
This element can be used with the sc_work_action_set_id element to uniquely identify the service class work class of the activity, if one exists.
sec_log_used_top - Maximum Secondary Log Space Used monitor element
The maximum amount of secondary log space used (in bytes).
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_TRANSACTION_LOG table function - Get log information | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
- Usage
- You may use this element in conjunction with sec_logs_allocated and tot_log_used_top to
show your current dependency on secondary logs. If this value is
high, you may need larger log files, or more primary log files, or
more frequent COMMIT statements within your application. As a result, you may need to adjust the following configuration parameters:
- logfilsiz
- logprimary
- logsecond
- logarchmeth1
The value will be zero if the database does not have any secondary log files. This would be the case if there were none defined.
Note: While the database system monitor information is given in bytes, the configuration parameters are set in pages, which are each 4K bytes.
sec_logs_allocated - Secondary Logs Allocated Currently monitor element
The total number of secondary log files that are currently being used for the database.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_TRANSACTION_LOG table function - Get log information | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
- Usage
- You may use this element in conjunction with sec_log_used_top and tot_log_used_top to
show your current dependency on secondary logs. If this value is
consistently high, you may need larger log files, or more primary
log files, or more frequent COMMIT statements within your application.
As a result, you may need to adjust the following configuration parameters:
- logfilsiz
- logprimary
- logsecond
- logarchmeth1
section_actuals - Section actuals monitor element
A binary string generated at the data server containing runtime statistics for a section that was executed. If section capture or actuals collection are not enabled, the value is a 0 length string. For non-SQL activities (for example, LOAD) the value is a 0 length string.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
- Section actuals are only available if they have been enabled (set to BASE) using the section_actuals database configuration parameter or if they have been enabled for a particular application using the WLM_SET_CONN_ENV stored procedure. For more information describing the stored procedure, see WLM_SET_CONN_ENV.
- The collection of section actuals can be controlled by specifying the INCLUDE ACTUALS BASE clause of workload management DDL statements.
- The section_actuals setting specified by the WLM_SET_CONN_ENV procedure for an application takes effect immediately.
section_env - Section environment monitor element
A blob that contains the section for an SQL statement. It is the actual section contents, that is the executable form of the query plan.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_SECTION table function - Get a copy of a section from the package cache | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Package cache | pkgcache | COLLECT DETAILED DATA |
Use this element with the section explain procedures to explain the statement and view the access plan for the statement.
section_exec_with_col_references - Section execution with column-organized references monitor element
This element counts the number of section executions that referenced columns in a table using a scan.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_TABLE table function - get table metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS EXTENDED |
This element and the num_columns_referenced element can be used to determine the average number of columns being accessed from a table during execution of the runtime section for an SQL statement. This average column access count can help identify row-organized tables that might be candidates for conversion to column-organized tables (for example, wide tables where only a few columns are typically accessed).
The element can also be used to help understand the efficiency of access to column-organized tables (for example, the number of columns typically read when scanning the table).
section_number - Section number monitor element
The internal section number in the package for an SQL statement.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_EXEC_LIST table function - get list of statements executed by routine | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - return a list of activities | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details1 | event_detailed_dlconn | - |
Locking | lock_participant_activities | Always collected |
Package cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | - |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
For static SQL statements, you can use this element along with creator, package_version_id, and package_name monitor elements to query the SYSCAT.STATEMENTS system catalog table and obtain the static SQL statement text, using the sample query as follows:
WHERE PKGNAME = 'package_name' AND
PKGSCHEMA = 'creator' AND
VERSION = 'package_version_id' AND
SECTNO = section_number
section_type - Section type indicator monitor element
Indicates whether the SQL statement section is dynamic or static.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_EXEC_LIST table function - get list of statements executed by routine | Always collected |
MON_GET_SECTION table function - Get a copy of a section from the package cache | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Package cache | - | Always collected |
- D: dynamic
- S: static
select_sql_stmts - Select SQL Statements Executed monitor element
The number of SQL SELECT statements that were executed.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Database | dbase_remote | Basic |
Table Space | tablespace | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Application | appl_remote | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_wlmmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Unit of work | uow_metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
- Usage
- You can use this element to determine the level of database
activity at the application or database level. You can also use the following formula to determine the ratio of SELECT statements to the total statements:
select_sql_stmts / ( static_sql_stmts + dynamic_sql_stmts )
This information can be useful for analyzing application activity and throughput.
select_time - Query Response Time monitor element
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase_remote | Timestamp |
Application | appl_remote | Timestamp |
Use this element to determine how much actual time is spent waiting for data from this data source. This can be useful in capacity planning and tuning the CPU speed and communication rates in SYSCAT.SERVERS. Modifying these parameters can impact whether the optimizer does or does not send requests to the data source.
The response time is measured as the difference in time between the time the federated server requests a row from the data source, and the time the row is available for the federated server to use.
semantic_env_id - Query semantic compilation environment ID monitor element
A hash key value for identifying the elements of the query compilation environment that have an effect on the semantics of an SQL statement.
This hash value is computed over the default schema and function path elements in the compilation environment.
A value of 1 means the default schema and function path were not used during the compilation of the statement. The function path is treated as not being used if only functions in the SYSIBM schema are accessed and SYSIBM is the first entry in the function path.
A value of 0 means the query semantic environment ID is not available. An example where the query semantic environment ID is not available is if the statement was compiled on a release of Db2® before Version 10.5 Fix Pack 3.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Return information about an activity as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Package cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Use this element with the query statement
ID monitor element (stmtid) to identify an SQL
statement. The semantic compilation environment ID is used to distinguish
queries that have the same statement text, but are semantically different
because they reference different objects. For example, the table that
is referenced in the statement SELECT * FROM T1
on the value of the default schema in the compilation environment.
If two users with different default schemas issued this statement,
there would be two entries for the statement in the package cache.
The two entries would have the same stmtid value,
but would have different values for semantic_env_id.
sequence_no - Sequence number monitor element
This identifier is incremented whenever a unit of work ends (that is, when a COMMIT or ROLLBACK terminates a unit of work). Together, the appl_id and sequence_no uniquely identify a transaction.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl_id_info | Basic |
DCS Application | dcs_appl_info | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | - |
Connections | event_connheader | - |
Statements | event_stmt | - |
Transactions | event_xact | - |
Deadlocks | event_dlconn | - |
Deadlocks with Details | event_detailed_dlconn | - |
Deadlocks with Details History | event_detailed_dlconn | - |
Deadlocks with Details History | event_stmt_history | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values | event_detailed_dlconn | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values | event_stmt_history | - |
sequence_no_holding_lk - Sequence Number Holding Lock monitor element
The sequence number of the application that is holding a lock on the object that this application is waiting to obtain.
- Element identifier
- sequence_no_holding_lk
- Element type
- information
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Basic |
Lock | appl_lock_list | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Deadlocks | event_dlconn | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details | event_detailed_dlconn | Always collected |
- Usage
- This identifier is used in tandem with appl_id to uniquely identify a transaction that is holding a lock on the object that this application is waiting to obtain.
server_db2_type - Database Manager Type at Monitored (Server) Node monitor element
Identifies the type of database manager being monitored.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | collected | Basic |
- Usage
- It contains one of the following types
of configurations for the database manager:
- API Symbolic Constant
- Command Line Processor Output
- sqlf_nt_server
- Database server with local and remote clients
- sqlf_nt_stand_req
- Database server with local clients
server_instance_name - Server Instance Name monitor element
The name of the database manager instance for which the snapshot was taken.
- Element identifier
- server_instance_name
- Element type
- information
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | collected | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Event Log Header | event_log_header | Always collected |
- Usage
- If more than one instance of the database manager is present on the same system, this data item is used to uniquely identify the instance for which the snapshot call was issued. This information can be useful if you are saving your monitor output in a file or database for later analysis, and you need to differentiate the data from different instances of the database manager.
server_list_entry_member - Member ID for the member in the server list monitor element
The member ID of the member specified in the server list entry.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_SERVERLIST table function - get member priority details | Always collected |
server_platform - Server Operating System monitor element
The operating system running the database server.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_INSTANCE table function - Get instance level information | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
- Usage
- This element can be used for problem determination for remote applications. Values for this field can be found in the header file sqlmon.h.
server_prdid - Server Product/Version ID monitor element
The product and version that is running on the server.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | collected | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Event Log Header | event_log_header | - |
- Usage
It is in the form PPPVVRRM, where:
- is
- VV
- identifies a 2-digit version number (with high-order 0 in the case of a 1-digit version)
- RR
- identifies a 2-digit release number (with high-order 0 in the case of a 1-digit release)
- M
- identifies a 1-character modification level (0-9 or A-Z)
server_version - Server Version monitor element
The version of the server returning the information.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | collected | Basic |
- Data was returned by Db2 Version 1
- Data was returned by Db2 Version 2
- Data was returned by Db2 Universal Database Version 5
- Data was returned by Db2 Universal Database Version 5.2
- Data was returned by Db2 Universal Database Version 6
- Data was returned by Db2 Universal Database Version 7
- Data was returned by Db2 Universal Database Version 8
- Data was returned by Db2 Version 9
- Data was returned by Db2 Version 9.5
service_class_id - Service class ID monitor element
Unique ID of service subclass. For a unit of work, this ID represents the service subclass ID of the workload with which the connection issuing the unit of work is associated.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_SAMPLE_SERVICE_CLASS_METRICS - Get sample service class metrics | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE _ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) | Always collected |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Unit of work | - | Always collected |
Statistics | event_histogrambin | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
The value of this element matches a value from column SERVICECLASSID of view SYSCAT.SERVICECLASSES. Use this element to look up the service subclass name, or link information about a service subclass from different sources. For example, join service class statistics with histogram bin records.
- The element is reported in an event_histogrambin logical data group.
- The histogram data is collected for an object that is not a service class.
service_class_work_action_set_id - Service class work action set ID monitor element monitor element
If this activity has been categorized into a work class of service class scope, this monitor element displays the ID of the work action set associated with the work class set to which the work class belongs. Otherwise, this monitor element displays the value of 0.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
This monitor element is an alias for the sc_work_action_set_id monitor element.
service_class_work_class_id - Service class work class ID monitor element monitor element
If this activity has been categorized into a work class of service class scope, this monitor element displays the ID of the work class assigned to this activity. Otherwise, this monitor element displays the value of 0.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
This monitor element is an alias for the sc_work_class_id monitor element.
service_level - Service Level monitor element
This is the current corrective service level of the database instance.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_INSTANCE table function - Get instance level information | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | db2 | Basic |
service_subclass_name - Service subclass name monitor element
The name of a service subclass.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the details_xml document) | Always collected |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Unit of work | - | Always collected |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_qstats | Always collected |
Use this element in conjunction with other activity elements for analysis of the behavior of an activity or with other statistics elements for analysis of a service class or threshold queue.
service_superclass_name - Service superclass name monitor element
The name of a service superclass.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the details_xml document) | Always collected |
Unit of work | - | Always collected |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_qstats | Always collected |
Use this element in conjunction with other activity elements for analysis of the behavior of an activity or with other statistics elements for analysis of a service class or threshold queue.
session_auth_id - Session authorization ID monitor element
The current authorization ID for the session being used by this application.
For monitoring workload management activities, this monitor element describes the session authorization ID under which the activity was injected into the system.
This monitor element is a synonym for the session_authid monitor element.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_AGENT table function - List agents, fenced mode processes, and system entities for the database | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_UTILITY table function - Get utilities running on the database | Always collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_CLASS_AGENTS table function - list agents running in a service class | Always collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_CLASS_WORKLOAD _OCCURRENCES table function - list workload occurrences | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl_info | Basic |
Lock | appl_lock_list | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Element Collection Level |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Change history | changesummary | Always collected |
Threshold violations | event_activity | Always collected |
Unit of work | uow | Always collected |
You can use this element to determine what authorization ID is being used to prepare SQL statements, execute SQL statements, or both. This monitor element does not report any session authorization ID values set within executing stored procedures.
shr_workspace_active - Shared workspace active memory monitor element
The working copy of any executable section is stored in a shared SQL workspace. This element identifies the workspace's amount of memory that is currently in use by active database connections. This memory is not eligible for freeing because the active database connections are running SQL in their current transactions.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
shr_workspace_inactive - Shared workspace inactive memory monitor element
The working copy of any executable section is stored in a shared SQL workspace. This element identifies the workspace's amount of memory that is not in use by active database connections.
These working copies of the executable section can be reused by a database connection. However, if the working copy is not reused, it might be deleted if more memory is needed for additional working copies.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
shr_workspace_num_overflows - Shared Workspace Overflows monitor element
The number of times that shared workspaces overflowed the bounds of their allocated memory.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
- Usage
- Use this element with shr_workspace_size_top
to determine whether the
size of the Shared Workspaces need to be increased to avoid overflowing.
of Shared Workspaces may cause performance degradation as well as
out of memory
errors from the other heaps allocated out of application shared memory.
At the database level, the element reported will be from the same shared workspace as that which was reported as having the Maximum Shared Workspace Size. At the application level, it is the number of overflows for the workspace used by the current application.
shr_workspace_section_inserts - Shared Workspace Section Inserts monitor element
Number of inserts of SQL sections by applications into shared workspaces.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
- Usage
- The working copy of executable sections
are stored in shared workspaces.
This counter indicates when a copy was not available and had to be
At the database level, it is the cumulative total of all inserts for every application across all shared workspaces in the database. At the application level, it is the cumulative total of all inserts for all sections in the shared workspace for this application.
shr_workspace_section_lookups - Shared Workspace Section Lookups monitor element
Lookups of SQL sections by applications in shared workspaces.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
- Usage
- Each application has access to a shared
workspace where the working
copy of executable sections are kept.
This counter indicates how many times shared workspaces were accessed in order to locate a specific section for an application. At the database level, it is the cumulative total of all lookups for every application across all Shared Workspaces in the database. At the application level, it is the cumulative total of all lookups for all sections in the shared workspace for this application.
You can use this element in conjunction with Shared Workspace Section Inserts to tune the size of shared workspaces. The size of the shared workspace is controlled by the app_ctl_heap_sz configuration parameter.
shr_workspace_size_top - Maximum Shared Workspace Size monitor element
The largest size reached by shared workspaces.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
- Usage
- This element indicates the maximum number of bytes
the shared workspaces
required for the workload run against the database since it was activated.
At the database level, it is the maximum size reached by all of the
workspaces. At the application level, it is the maximum size of the
workspace used by the current application.
If a shared workspace overflowed, then this element contains the largest size reached by that shared workspace during the overflow. Check Shared Workspace Overflows to determine if such a condition occurred.
When the shared workspace overflows, memory is temporarily borrowed from other entities in application shared memory. This can result in memory shortage errors from these entities or possibly performance degradation. You can reduce the chance of overflow by increasing APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ.
skipped_prefetch_col_p_reads - Skipped prefetch column-organized physical reads monitor element
The number of column-organized pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
- The page is a new page and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the num_ioservers configuration parameter to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the num_ioservers configuration parameter. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_data_p_reads - Skipped prefetch data physical reads monitor element
The number of data pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of times a page that was scheduled for retrieval by a prefetcher was not prefetched because it was already in a buffer pool. Pages that are already in a buffer pool might be there for a number of reasons:- The page is a new page, and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_index_p_reads - Skipped prefetch index physical reads monitor element
The number of index pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of times a page that was scheduled for retrieval by a prefetcher was not prefetched because it was already in a buffer pool. Pages that are already in a buffer pool might be there for a number of reasons:- The page is a new page, and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_temp_col_p_reads - Skipped prefetch column-organized temporary physical reads monitor element
The number of column-organized pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
- The page is a new page and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the num_ioservers configuration parameter to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the num_ioservers configuration parameter. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_temp_data_p_reads - Skipped prefetch temporary data physical reads monitor element
The number of data pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of times a page that was scheduled for retrieval by a prefetcher was not prefetched because it was already in a buffer pool. Pages that are already in a buffer pool might be there for a number of reasons:- The page is a new page, and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_temp_index_p_reads - Skipped prefetch temporary index physical reads monitor element
The number of index pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of times a page that was scheduled for retrieval by a prefetcher was not prefetched because it was already in a buffer pool. Pages that are already in a buffer pool might be there for a number of reasons:- The page is a new page, and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_temp_xda_p_reads - Skipped prefetch temporary XDA data physical reads monitor element
The number of XML storage object (XDA) data pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of times a page that was scheduled for retrieval by a prefetcher was not prefetched because it was already in a buffer pool. Pages that are already in a buffer pool might be there for a number of reasons:- The page is a new page, and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_uow_col_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work column-organized physical reads monitor element
The number of column-organized pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by an agent in the same unit of work.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_uow_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of pages that were in a prefetch request that were read directly by an agent in the same unit of work that caused the prefetch request to be created. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the num_ioservers configuration parameter to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the num_ioservers configuration parameter. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_uow_data_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work data physical reads monitor element
The number of data pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by an agent in the same unit of work..
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_uow_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of pages that were in a prefetch request that were read directly by an agent in the same unit of work that caused the prefetch request to be created. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.skipped_prefetch_uow_index_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work index physical reads monitor element
The number of index pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by an agent in the same unit of work.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_uow_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of pages that were in a prefetch request that were read directly by an agent in the same unit of work that caused the prefetch request to be created. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.skipped_prefetch_uow_temp_col_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work column-organized temporary physical reads monitor element
The number of column-organized pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by an agent in the same unit of work.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_uow_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of pages that were in a prefetch request that were read directly by an agent in the same unit of work that caused the prefetch request to be created. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the num_ioservers configuration parameter to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the num_ioservers configuration parameter. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
skipped_prefetch_uow_temp_data_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work temporary data physical reads monitor element
The number of data pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by an agent in the same unit of work.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_uow_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of pages that were in a prefetch request that were read directly by an agent in the same unit of work that caused the prefetch request to be created. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.skipped_prefetch_uow_temp_index_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work temporary index physical reads monitor element
The number of index pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by the synchronous transaction.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
skipped_prefetch_uow_temp_xda_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work temporary XDA data physical reads monitor element
The number of XML storage object (XDA) data pages for temporary table spaces that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by the synchronous transaction.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
skipped_prefetch_uow_xda_p_reads - Skipped prefetch unit of work XDA data physical reads monitor element
The number of XML storage object (XDA) data pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool by an agent in the same unit of work.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_uow_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of pages that were in a prefetch request that were read directly by an agent in the same unit of work that caused the prefetch request to be created. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.skipped_prefetch_xda_p_reads - Skipped prefetch XDA physical reads monitor element
The number of XML storage object (XDA) data pages that an I/O server (prefetcher) skipped because the pages were already loaded into the buffer pool.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics | DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE |
This monitor element, along with the other skipped_prefetch_*_p_reads elements tells you the number of times a page that was scheduled for retrieval by a prefetcher was not prefetched because it was already in a buffer pool. Pages that are already in a buffer pool might be there for a number of reasons:- The page is a new page, and is not yet created on disk.
- Another agent might need the same page, and thus it was loaded it into the buffer pool by a different prefetch request. In this case, along with the preceding one, an increase in skipped prefetch requests might not be a problem, because the additional prefetch request that was generated was redundant.
- An agent retrieved them from disk directly before the prefetcher was able to complete the prefetch operation. Agents might be forced to read a page directly from disk if a system has an insufficient number of prefetchers configured, or if there is another type of prefetching bottleneck. . For example, in an OLTP system, where most of the workload is generally transactional in nature, it might be the case that the minimum number of prefetchers is configured by setting the configuration parameter num_ioservers to 1. However, if an operation that uses prefetching, such as a table scan is performed, the single prefetcher might not be able to keep up, and so the agent requests the pages directly. This behavior can cause a degradation in performance, because the application waits on IO that otherwise would have been performed by prefetchers. In this case, consider increasing the number of prefetchers by adjusting the configuration parameter num_ioservers. Other potential causes include having an excessively large prefetch size, which can cause prefetch times that are longer than normal, or the db2_parallel_io registry variable not being set, which can restrict parallel prefetching within a table space container.
smallest_log_avail_node - Node with Least Available Log Space monitor element
This element is only returned for global snapshots and indicates the node with the least amount (in bytes) of available log space.
- Element identifier
- smallest_log_avail_node
- Element type
- information
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
- Usage
- Use this element, in conjunction with appl_id_oldest_xact, to ensure that adequate log space is available for the database. In a global snapshot, appl_id_oldest_xact, total_log_used, and total_log_available correspond to the values on this node.
snapshot_timestamp - Snapshot timestamp monitor element
The date and time that the snapshot was taken.
sock_recv_buf_actual - Actual socket receive buffer size monitor element
The number of bytes for actual socket receive buffer size. This may differ from the requested size.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
sock_recv_buf_requested - Requested socket receive buffer size monitor element
The number of bytes for requested socket receive buffer size (registry variable DB2_HADR_SORCVBUF). Value is 0 for no request (use system default).
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
sock_send_buf_actual - Actual socket send buffer size monitor element
The number of bytes for actual socket send buffer size. This may differ from the requested size.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
sock_send_buf_requested - Requested socket send buffer size monitor element
The size requested for the socket send buffer, set by the registry variable DB2_HADR_SOSNDBUF. Value is 0 for no request (use system default). Units are bytes.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
sort_consumer_heap_top - Individual private sort heap consumer high watermark monitor element
The high watermark for any individual private sort heap consumer, that is, the largest amount of memory that was used by any individual sort operator.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - return information about an activity as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - get database information metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - get database information metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Package Cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats | Always collected |
Unit of Work | uow | Always collected |
Use this element with other sort memory high watermark monitor elements to determine what activities are the heaviest users of sort heap memory. For example, issue the MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function to get a list of current activities. You can determine which activities use the most sort memory by noting the values of the sort_consumer_heap_top, sort_consumer_shrheap_top, sort_heap_top, and sort_shrheap_top monitor elements. If the heaviest memory users are negatively affecting other activities, reduce the memory requirements of the heaviest users to help improve concurrency.
sort_consumer_shrheap_top - Individual shared sort heap consumer high watermark monitor element
The high watermark for any individual shared sort heap consumer, that is, the largest amount of memory in 4 KB pages that is used by any individual sort operator.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - return information about an activity as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - get database information metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - get database information metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Package Cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats | Always collected |
Unit of Work | uow | Always collected |
Use this element with other sort memory high watermark monitor elements to determine what activities are the heaviest users of sort heap memory. For example, issue the MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function to get a list of current activities. You can determine which activities use the most sort memory by noting the values of the sort_consumer_heap_top, sort_consumer_shrheap_top, sort_heap_top, and sort_shrheap_top monitor elements. If the heaviest memory users are negatively affecting other activities, reduce the memory requirements of the heaviest users to help improve concurrency.
sort_heap_allocated - Total Sort Heap Allocated monitor element
The total number of allocated pages of sort heap space for all sorts at the level chosen and at the time the snapshot was taken.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | db2 | Basic |
Database | dbase | Basic |
- Usage
- The amount of memory allocated for each sort may be some or
all of the available sort heap size. Sort heap size is the amount
of memory available for each sort as defined in the sortheap database
configuration parameter.
It is possible for a single application to have concurrent sorts active. For example, in some cases a SELECT statement with a subquery can cause concurrent sorts.
Information may be collected at two levels:- At the database manager level, it represents the sum of sort heap space allocated for all sorts in all active databases in the database manager
- At the database level, it represents the sum of the sort heap space allocated for all sorts in a database.
Normal memory estimates do not include sort heap space. If excessive sorting is occurring, the extra memory used for the sort heap should be added to the base memory requirements for running the database manager. Generally, the larger the sort heap, the more efficient the sort. Appropriate use of indexes can reduce the amount of sorting required.
You may use the information returned at the database manager level to help you tune the sheapthres configuration parameter. If the element value is greater than or equal to sheapthres, it means that the sorts are not getting the full sort heap as defined by the sortheap parameter.
sort_heap_top - Sort private heap high watermark monitor element
The private sort memory high watermark, in 4 KB pages, across the database manager.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - return information about an activity as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - get database information metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - get database information metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database Manager | db2 | Basic |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Package Cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats | Always collected |
Unit of Work | uow | Always collected |
- Usage
- This element can be used to determine if the SHEAPTHRES configuration parameter is set to an optimal value. For example, if this watermark approaches or exceeds SHEAPTHRES, it is likely that SHEAPTHRES should be increased. This is because private sorts are given less memory whenever SHEAPTHRES is exceeded, and this can adversely affect system performance.
sort_overflows - Sort overflows monitor element
The total number of sorts that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Application | stmt | Basic |
Dynamic SQL | dynsql | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Activities | event_activitymetrics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Unit of work | Reported in the system_metrics document. | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
Activities | event_activity | Statement, Sort |
Package cache | Reported in the activity_metrics document. | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
At a database or application level, use this element in conjunction with total_sorts to calculate the percentage of sorts that had to overflow to disk. If this percentage is high, you may want adjust the database configuration by increasing the value of sortheap.
At a statement level, use this element to identify statements that require large sorts. These statements may benefit from additional tuning to reduce the amount of sorting required.
When a sort overflows, additional processing time is required because the sort will require a merge phase and can potentially require more I/O, if data needs to be written to disk.
This element provides information for one statement, one application, or all applications accessing one database.
A value of -1 indicates that the data collection switch DFT_MON_SORT is turned off.
sort_shrheap_allocated - Sort Share Heap Currently Allocated monitor element
Total amount of shared sort memory allocated in 4 KB pages.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
- Usage
The interface reporting the monitor element provides the context for the element. For example, in the MON_GET_ACTIVITY interface this element reports the total shared sort memory allocated for each currently executing activity, while in the MON_GET_DATABASE interface this element reports the total shared sort memory allocated in the database.
Use the monitor element reported by the different interfaces to understand the peak shared sort memory requirements for different monitored objects such as applications, statements and transactions.
Use the monitor element in the database interfaces (for example, MON_GET_DATABASE) to assess the threshold for shared sort memory. If this value is frequently much higher or lower than the current shared sort memory threshold, it is likely that the threshold should be adjusted.
Note: The "shared sort memory threshold" is determined by the value of the SHEAPTHRES database manager configuration parameter if the SHEAPTHRES_SHR database configuration parameter is 0. Otherwise, it is determined by the value of SHEAPTHRES_SHR.
sort_shrheap_top - Sort share heap high watermark monitor element
Shared sort memory high watermark in 4 KB pages.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - return information about an activity as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_STATS table function - Return statistics of service subclasses | Always collected |
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_STATS table function - Return workload statistics | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
Package Cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scstats | Always collected |
Statistics | event_wlstats | Always collected |
Unit of Work | uow | Always collected |
- Usage
The interface reporting the monitor element provides the context for the element. For example, in the MON_GET_ACTIVITY interface this element reports the shared sort memory high watermark for each currently executing activity, while in the MON_GET_DATABASE interface this element reports the database-wide shared sort memory high watermark.
Use the monitor element reported by the different interfaces to understand the peak shared sort memory requirements for different applications, activities, etc.
Use the monitor element in the database interfaces (for example, MON_GET_DATABASE) to assess whether or not SHEAPTHRES (or SHEAPTHRES_SHR) is set to an optimal value. For example, if this high watermark is persistently much lower than the shared sort memory threshold, it is likely that this threshold needs to be decreased, thus freeing memory for other database functions. Conversely, if this high watermark begins to approach the shared sort memory threshold, then this might indicate that this threshold needs to be increased. This is important because the shared sort memory threshold is a hard limit. When the total amount of sort memory reaches this threshold, no more shared sorts can be initiated.
This element, along with the high watermark for private sort memory, can also help users determine if the threshold for shared and private sorts need to be set independently of each other. Normally, if the SHEAPTHRES_SHR database configuration option has a value of 0, then the shared sort memory threshold is determined by the value of the SHEAPTHRES database manager configuration option. However, if there is a large discrepancy between the private and shared sort memory high watermarks, this might be an indication that the user needs to override SHEAPTHRES and set SHEAPTHRES_SHR to a more appropriate value that is based on the shared sort memory high watermark.
Note: This element reports the high watermark of sort reservation requests granted by the sort memory controller. Requests that are granted do not always result in a similar level of memory allocation, since they only permit consumers of sort heap to allocate memory as necessary, up to the granted amount, during the processing of an SQL request. It is normal for there to be a discrepancy between the value for this element and the high water mark of the shared sort memory pool (pool_watermark).
source_service_class_id - Source service class ID monitor element
The ID of the service subclass from which an activity was remapped when the threshold violation record to which this element belongs was generated. This element has a value of zero when the threshold action is anything other than a REMAP ACTIVITY action.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Threshold violations | event_thresholdviolations | - |
Use this element to trace the path of an activity through the service classes to which it was remapped. It can also be used to compute aggregates of how many activities were mapped out of a given service subclass.
sp_rows_selected - Rows Returned by Stored Procedures monitor element
This element contains the number of rows sent from the data source to the federated server at the start of the federated server instance, or the last reset of the database monitor counters as a result of stored procedure operations for this application.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase_remote | Basic |
Application | appl_remote | Basic |
- Usage
- This element has several uses. You can use it to compute the
average number of rows sent to the federated server from the data
source, per stored procedure, with the following formula:
rows per stored procedure = rows returned / # of stored procedures invoked
You can also compute the average time to return a row to the federated server from the data source for this application:average time = aggregate stored proc. response time / rows returned
spacemappage_page_reclaims_x - Space map page reclaims exclusive access monitor element
The number of times a page related to a space map page was reclaimed by another member in the Db2 pureScale® instance before its planned release. The member that reclaimed the page required exclusive access to the space map page.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PAGE_ACCESS_INFO table function - Get buffer pool page waiting information | Always collected |
This value is only reported for object-relative table spaces, that is table spaces that have been enabled for reclaimable storage. Use the reclaimable_space_enabled monitor element to determine if the table space has been enabled for reclaimable storage.
Since Extent Map Pages (EMPs) are metadata, EMPs are included in the value of this monitor element.
Data space map pages contain user data, therefore they are included in the value of the page_reclaims_x monitor element, in addition to being included the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_x monitor element. Index space map pages do not contain user data, therefore they are included only in the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_x monitor element.
spacemappage_page_reclaims_s - Space map page reclaims shared access monitor element
The number of times a page related to a space map page was reclaimed by another member in the Db2 pureScale instance before its planned release. The member that reclaimed the page required shared access to the space map page.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PAGE_ACCESS_INFO table function - Get buffer pool page waiting information | Always collected |
This value is only reported for object-relative table spaces, that is table spaces that have been enabled for reclaimable storage. Use the reclaimable_space_enabled monitor element to determine if the table space has been enabled for reclaimable storage.
Since Extent Map Pages (EMPs) are metadata, EMPs are included in the value of this monitor element.
Data space map pages contain user data, therefore they are included in the value of the page_reclaims_s monitor element, in addition to being included the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_s monitor element. Index space map pages do not contain user data, therefore they are included only in the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_s monitor element.
spacemappage_page_reclaims_initiated_x - Space map page reclaims initiated exclusive access monitor element
The number of times a page accessed in exclusive mode for a space map page caused the page to be reclaimed from another member.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PAGE_ACCESS_INFO table function - Get buffer pool page waiting information | Always collected |
This value is only reported for object-relative table spaces, that is table spaces that have been enabled for reclaimable storage. Use the reclaimable_space_enabled monitor element to determine if the table space has been enabled for reclaimable storage.
Since Extent Map Pages (EMPs) are metadata, EMPs are included in the value of this monitor element.
Data space map pages contain user data, therefore they are included in the value of the page_reclaims_initiated_x monitor element, in addition to being included the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_initiated_x monitor element. Index space map pages do not contain user data, therefore they are included only in the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_initiated_x monitor element.
spacemappage_page_reclaims_initiated_s - Space map page reclaims initiated shared access monitor element
The number of times a page accessed in shared mode of a space map page caused the page to be reclaimed from another member.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PAGE_ACCESS_INFO table function - Get buffer pool page waiting information | Always collected |
This value is only reported for object-relative table spaces, that is table spaces that have been enabled for reclaimable storage. Use the reclaimable_space_enabled monitor element to determine if the table space has been enabled for reclaimable storage.
Since Extent Map Pages (EMPs) are metadata, EMPs are included in the value of this monitor element.
Data space map pages contain user data, therefore they are included in the value of the page_reclaims_initiated_s monitor element, in addition to being included the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_initiated_s monitor element. Index space map pages do not contain user data, therefore they are included only in the value of the spacemappage_page_reclaims_initiated_s monitor element.
spacemappage_reclaim_wait_time - Space map page reclaim wait time monitor element
In a Db2 pureScale environment, this element represents the amount of time spent waiting on page locks for pages related to internally maintained object space management where the lock request caused a reclaim from another member. The unit of measurement for time is in milliseconds.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Activities | event_activitymetrics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Package cache | pkgcache_metrics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Unit of work | uow_metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
specific_name - Specific name monitor element
Name of the routine instance.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated execution metrics for routines | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated execution metric details for routines | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_EXEC_LIST table function - get list of statements executed by routine | Always collected |
MON_GET_SECTION_ROUTINE table function - get list of routines for input section | Always collected |
sql_chains - Number of SQL Chains Attempted monitor element
Represents the number of SQL statements taking n data transmissions between the Db2 Connect gateway and the host during statement processing. The range n is specified by the num_transmissions_group element.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Data Transmission | stmt_transmissions | Basic |
For example, if chaining is on, and if PREP and OPEN statements are chained together and the chain takes a total of two transmissions, sql_chains is reported as "1" and sql_stmts is reported as "2".
If chaining is off, then the sql_chains count equals the sql_stmts count.
- Usage
- Use this element to get statistics on how many statements used
2, 3, 4 (and so on) data transmissions during their processing. (At
least two data transmissions are necessary to process a statement:
a send and a receive.) These statistics can give you a better idea
of the database or application activity and network traffic at the
database or application levels. Note: The sql_stmts monitor element represents the number of attempts made to send an SQL statement to the server. At the transmission level, all statements within the same cursor count as a single SQL statement.
sql_req_id - Request Identifier for SQL Statement monitor element
The request identifier for an operation in an SQL statement.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_stmt | - |
- Usage
- This identifier increments with each successive SQL operation processed by the database manager since the first application has connected to the database. Its value is unique across the database and uniquely identifies a statement operation.
sql_reqs_since_commit - SQL Requests Since Last Commit monitor element
Number of SQL requests that have been submitted since the last commit.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Basic |
- Usage
- You can use this element to monitor the progress of a transaction.
sql_stmts - Number of SQL Statements Attempted monitor element
For data transmission snapshots, this element represents the number of SQL statements taking n data transmissions between the Db2 Connect gateway and the host during statement processing. The range n is specified by the num_transmissions_group element.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
DCS Database | dcs_dbase | Basic |
DCS Application | dcs_appl | Basic |
Data Transmission | stmt_transmissions | Basic |
For DCS DATABASE snapshots, this statement count is the number of statements since the database was activated.
For DCS APPLICATION snapshots, this statement count is the number of statements since the connection to the database was established by this application.
- Usage
- Use this element to measure database activity at the database
or application level. To calculate the SQL statement throughput for
a given period, you can divide this element by the elapsed time between
two snapshots. For the data transmission level: Use this element to get statistics on how many statements used 2, 3, 4 (and so on) data transmissions during their processing. (At least 2 data transmissions are necessary to process a statement: a send and a receive.) These statistics can give you a better idea of the database or application activity and network traffic at the database or application levels.Note:
- The sql_stmts monitor element represents the number of
attempts made to send an SQL statement to the server:
- At the application level and database level, each SQL statement within a cursor is counted separately.
- At the transmission level, all statements within the same cursor count as a single SQL statement.
- The sql_stmts monitor element represents the number of
attempts made to send an SQL statement to the server:
sqlca - SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) monitor element
The SQLCA data structure that was returned to the application at statement completion.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_stmt | - |
Activities | event_activity | - |
The SQLCA data structure can be used to determined if the statement completed successfully. For information about the content of the SQLCA, see SQLCA (SQL communications area) or SQLCA data structure.
sqlrowsread_threshold_id - SQL rows read threshold ID monitor element
The ID of the SQLROWSREAD threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand which SQLROWSREAD threshold, if any, was applied to the activity.
sqlrowsread_threshold_value - SQL rows read threshold value monitor element
The upper bound of the SQLROWSREAD threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand the value of the SQLROWSREAD threshold applied to the activity, if any.
sqlrowsread_threshold_violated - SQL rows read threshold violated monitor element
This monitor element returns '1’ (Yes) to indicate that the activity violated the SQLROWSREAD threshold. '0’ (No) indicates that the activity has not yet violated the threshold.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to determine if the activity violated the SQLROWSREAD threshold that was applied to the activity.
sqlrowsreadinsc_threshold_id - SQL rows read in service class threshold ID monitor element
The ID of the SQLROWSREADINSC threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand which SQLROWSREADINSC threshold, if any, was applied to the activity.
sqlrowsreadinsc_threshold_value - SQL rows read in service class threshold value monitor element
The upper bound of the SQLROWSREADINSC threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand the value of the SQLROWSREADINSC threshold applied to the activity, if any.
sqlrowsreadinsc_threshold_violated - SQL rows read in service class threshold violated monitor element
This monitor element returns '1’ (Yes) to indicate that the activity violated the SQLROWSREADINSC threshold. '0’ (No) indicates that the activity has not yet violated the threshold.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to determine if the activity violated the SQLROWSREADINSC threshold that was applied to the activity.
sqlrowsreturned_threshold_id - SQL rows read returned threshold ID monitor element
The ID of the SQLROWSRETURNED threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand which SQLROWSRETURNED threshold, if any, was applied to the activity.
sqlrowsreturned_threshold_value - SQL rows read returned threshold value monitor element
The upper bound of the SQLROWSRETURNED threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand the value of the SQLROWSRETURNED threshold applied to the activity, if any.
sqlrowsreturned_threshold_violated - SQL rows read returned threshold violated monitor element
This monitor element returns '1’ (Yes) to indicate that the activity violated the SQLROWSRETURNED threshold. '0’ (No) indicates that the activity has not yet violated the threshold.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to determine if the activity violated the SQLROWSRETURNED threshold that was applied to the activity.
sqltempspace_threshold_id - SQL temporary space threshold ID monitor element
The ID of the SQLTEMPSPACE threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Command and Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand which SQLTEMPSPACE threshold, if any, was applied to the activity.
sqltempspace_threshold_value - SQL temporary space threshold value monitor element
The upper bound of the SQLTEMPSPACE threshold that was applied to the activity.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to understand the value of the SQLTEMPSPACE threshold applied to the activity, if any.
sqltempspace_threshold_violated - SQL temporary space threshold violated monitor element
This monitor element returns '1’ (Yes) to indicate that the activity violated the SQLTEMPSPACE threshold. '0’ (No) indicates that the activity has not yet violated the threshold.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Use this element to determine if the activity violated the SQLTEMPSPACE threshold that was applied to the activity.
ss_exec_time - Subsection Execution Elapsed Time monitor element
The time in seconds that it took a subsection to execute.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | subsection | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_subsection | - |
- Usage
- Allows you to track the progress of a subsection.
ss_node_number - Subsection Node Number monitor element
Node where the subsection was executed.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | subsection | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_subsection | - |
- Usage
- Use to correlate each subsection with the database partition where it was executed.
ss_number - Subsection number monitor element
Identifies the subsection associated with the returned information.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_AGENT table function - List agents running in a service class | Always collected |
MON_GET_APPL_LOCKWAIT table function - get information about locks for which an application is waiting | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | subsection | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_subsection | Always collected |
This number relates to the subsection number in the access plan that can be obtained with db2expln command.
ss_status - Subsection status monitor element
The current status of an executing subsection.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | subsection | Statement |
- executing (SQLM_SSEXEC in sqlmon.h)
- waiting for a lock
- waiting to receive data on a table queue
- waiting to send data on a table queue
ss_sys_cpu_time - System CPU Time used by Subsection monitor element
The total system CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the currently executing statement subsection. For event monitors that write to tables, the value of this element is given in microseconds by using the BIGINT data type.
- Element identifier
- ss_sys_cpu_time
- Element type
- time
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | subsection | Timestamp |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_subsection | Timestamp |
- Usage
- This element along with the other related CPU-time elements can
help you understand the level of activity within an application, and
can help you identify applications that could benefit from additional
System CPU represents the time spent in system calls. User CPU represents time spent executing database manager code.
ss_usr_cpu_time - User CPU Time used by Subsection monitor element
The total user CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the currently executing statement subsection. For event monitors that write to tables, the value of this element is given in microseconds by using the BIGINT data type.
- Element identifier
- ss_usr_cpu_time
- Element type
- time
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | subsection | Timestamp |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_subsection | Timestamp |
- Usage
- This element along with the other related CPU-time elements
can help you understand the level of activity within an application,
and can help you identify applications that could benefit from additional
System CPU represents the time spent in system calls. User CPU represents time spent executing database manager code.
ssl_port_number - SSL port number monitor element
The SSL TCP/IP port that a member is listening on for client connections.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_SERVERLIST table function - get member priority details | Always collected |
standby_error_time - Standby error time monitor element
The most recent time when the standby database encountered a major error.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
- Replay errors taking a table space to an abnormal state
- Load replay errors taking a table to an invalid state
standby_id - Standby id monitor element
Standby ID used to differentiate between the standbys.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
This ID is used to differentiate the standbys. This ID is system generated. The mapping from ID to standby might change from query to query. However, the ID "1" is always assigned to the principal standby (or the only standby in single standby systems). Other standbys are not visible when the query is issued on a standby database; in such cases, 0 is always returned.
standby_instance - Standby instance monitor element
Instance name of the standby member processing the log stream.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_log_file - Standby log file monitor element
The name of the log file corresponding to the standby received log position on this log stream.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_log_page - Standby log page monitor element
The page number in standby_log_file corresponding to standby receive log position. The page number is relative to the log file. For example, page zero is the beginning of the file.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_log_pos - Standby log position monitor element
Standby receive log position on this log stream. This is a byte offset.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
The receive and replay positions are reported separately for more detailed standby status. Spooling allows receive and replay positions to differ greatly. standby_log_pos shows receive position. When compared with primary_log_pos, the standby_log_pos indicates risk of data loss in case of failover. standby_replay_log_pos affects how long a takeover (forced and not forced) would take, since the takeover has to complete the replay of all received logs. The standby_replay_log_pos also indicates how up-to-date data read on standby will be. In Version 9.7 and earlier, the reported standby log position is the replay position.
standby_log_time - Standby log time monitor element
The latest transaction timestamp of received logs on this log stream on the standby HADR database.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_member - Standby member monitor element
ID of the standby member processing the log stream.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_member_host - Standby member hostname monitor element
The value of the hadr_local_host configuration parameter of the standby member processing the log stream.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_log_file - Standby replay log file monitor element
The name of the log file corresponding to the standby replay log position on this log stream.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_log_page - Standby replay log page monitor element
The page number in standby_replay_log_file corresponding to standby replay log position. The page number is relative to the log file. For example, page zero is the beginning of the file.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_log_pos - Standby replay log position monitor element
The standby replay log position on this log stream. This is a byte offset.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_log_time - Standby replay log time monitor element
The transaction timestamp of logs being replayed on the standby HADR database.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_recv_replay_gap - Standby receive replay gap monitor element
The recent average of the gap between the standby log receive position and the standby log replay position.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
The gap is measured in number of bytes. It generally will not exceed sum of standby_recv_buf_size and standby_spool_limit. A small amount over the sum is possible due to flexibility in buffer and spool management. When the gap reaches the combined buffer and spool limit, standby will stop receiving logs which will block primary in peer state. Standby may also run out of buffer and spool space when reported receive-replay gap is smaller than sum of buffer and spool, because a partial page can be sent multiple times and occupy multiple pages of space in buffer (always one page in spool though). However, the log gap calculation does not take multiple sends into account.
standby_replay_delay - Standby replay delay monitor element
The value of the hadr_replay_delay configuration parameter on the standby database. Units are milliseconds.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_only_window_active - Standby replay only window active monitor element
Replay only window status.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_only_window_start - Replay only window start time monitor element
The replay only window start time.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_replay_only_window_tran_count - Replay only window transactions monitor element
The total number of uncommitted DDL or maintenance transactions executed so far in the current replay only window.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_recv_buf_size - Standby receive buffer size monitor element
The standby receive buffer size, in number of pages.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_recv_buf_percent - Standby receive buffer percentage monitor element
The percentage of standby receive buffer in use. When spooling is enabled, standby can continue to receive logs even when receive buffer is full (100% used).
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_spool_limit - Standby spool limit monitor element
The maximum number of pages to spool. 0 for spooling disabled and -1 for no limit. This element reflects the hadr_spool_limit configuration on the standby database.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
standby_spool_percent - Standby spool percentage monitor element
The percentage of spool space used, relative to the configured spool limit.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_HADR table function - Returns high availability disaster recovery (HADR) monitoring information | Always collected |
If the spool limit is 0 (spooling disabled) , NULL is returned. If the spool limit is -1 (unlimited spooling), a percentage of spool's page number in active log path size is returned. When the spool percentage reaches 100%, the standby database will stop receiving logs until space is released as replay proceeds. Spooling can stop before the limit is reached if the spool device (standby log path) is full.
start_event_id - Start event ID monitor element
Unique identifier of the corresponding UTILSTART or UTILSTARTPROC event.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILSTOP | Always collected |
For the change history event monitor, unique identifier of the corresponding starting of a utility event (UTILSTART or UTILSTARTPROC). Use this element with the START_EVENT_TIMESTAMP and member elements to associate the stop record with the corresponding start record.
start_event_timestamp - Start event timestamp monitor element
Time of the corresponding UTILSTART or UTILSTARTPROC event.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Change History | UTILSTOP | Always collected |
For the change history event monitor, use with the START_EVENT_ID and member elements to associate the stop record with the corresponding start record.start_time - Event start time monitor element
The date and time of unit of work start, statement start, or deadlock detection. This element, in the event_start API structure indicates the start of the event monitor.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_start | Timestamp |
Statements | event_stmt | Timestamp |
Deadlocks | event_deadlock | Timestamp |
Deadlocks | event_dlconn | Timestamp |
Deadlocks with Details | event_detailed_dlconn | Timestamp |
Unit of Work | uow | Always Collected |
- Usage
- Use this element to correlate the deadlock connection records to the deadlock event record. You
can also use it with the stop_time element to calculate the elapsed statement
or transaction execution time. Note: When the Timestamp switch is OFF, the start_time element that is reported by the statement event monitor returns 0 (zero).
static_sql_stmts - Static SQL Statements Attempted monitor element
The number of static SQL statements that were attempted.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Basic |
Application | appl | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Statistics | event_scmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Statistics | event_wlmetrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
Unit of work | uow_metrics | REQUEST METRICS BASE |
- Usage
- You can use this element to calculate the total number of successful
SQL statements at the database or application level:
dynamic_sql_stmts + static_sql_stmts - failed_sql_stmts = throughput during monitoring period
statistics_timestamp - Statistics timestamp monitor element
The time at which this statistics record was generated.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_scstats | - |
Statistics | event_wlstats | - |
Statistics | event_wcstats | - |
Statistics | event_qstats | - |
Statistics | event_histogrambin | - |
Statistics | event_osmetrics | - |
Use this element to determine when this statistics record was generated.
Use this element along with the last_wlm_reset element to identify the time interval over which the statistics in this statistics record were generated.
This monitor element can also be used to group together all statistics records that were generated for the same collection interval.
stats_cache_size - Size of statistics cache monitor element
The current size of the statistics cache, in bytes, which is used in a catalog partition to cache statistics information generated by real-time statistics gathering.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_DATABASE table function - Get database level information | Always collected |
MON_GET_DATABASE_DETAILS table function - Get database information metrics | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | - |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Use this element to determine the size of the current statistics cache. This value changes frequently. In order to evaluate system usage, take the snapshot at specific intervals over an extended period of time. Use this element to adjust the value of the catalogcache_sz configuration parameter.
stats_dbpartition - Automatics statistics collection indicator monitor element
Indicates if automatic statistics collection is occurring on this database partition.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO table function - retrieve table size and state information | Always collected |
stats_fabricate_time - Total time spent on statistics fabrication activities monitor element
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Statement |
Dynamic SQL | dynsql | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Statement | event_stmt | Always collected |
Use this element along with stats_fabrications to evaluate the performance impact of real-time statistics gathering at the database level. For snapshot monitor for dynamic SQL, you can use this element along with total_exec_time and num_executions to evaluate the impact of statistics fabrications. For the statement event monitor, you can combine this element with stmt_start and stmt_stop for further evaluation of real-time statistics gathering impact.
stats_fabrications - Total number of statistics fabrications monitor elements
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Use this element to determine the frequency of statistics fabrications in the database. This value changes frequently. In order to get a better overview of the system usage, take the snapshot at specific intervals over an extended period of time. When used in conjunction with stats_fabricate_time, this element can help you evaluate the impact of statistics fabrications.
stats_rows_modified - Rows modified since last RUNSTATS monitor element
Returns the number of rows modified since the last RUNSTATS.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO table function - retrieve table size and state information | Always collected |
MON_GET_TABLE table function - get table metrics | Always collected |
Use this element and the rts_rows_modified monitor element to help determine if a running of the RUNSTATS command is required.
status_change_time - Application Status Change Time monitor element
The date and time the application entered its current status.
- Element identifier
- status_change_time
- Element type
- timestamp
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl_id_info | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
Lock | appl_lock_list | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
DCS Application | dcs_appl_info | Unit of Work, Timestamp |
- Usage
- This element allows you to determine how long an application has been in its current status. If it has been in the same status for a long period of time, this may indicate that it has a problem.
stmt_comments - Comments in SQL statement text monitor element
Reserved for future use.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Package Cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
stmt_elapsed_time - Most Recent Statement Elapsed Time monitor element
The elapsed execution time of the most recently completed statement.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
Use this element as an indicator of the time it takes for a statement to complete.
This element is composed of two subelements that report time spent as seconds and microseconds (one millionth of a second). The names of the subelements can be derived by adding "_s" and "_ms" to the name of this monitor element. To retrieve the total time spent for this monitor element, the values of the two subelements must be added together. For example, if the "_s" subelement value is 3 and the "_ms" subelement value is 20, then the total time spent for the monitor element is 3.00002 seconds.
stmt_exec_time - Statement execution time monitor element
The total time spent executing this statement by all agents on this member. The value is given in milliseconds.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Activities | event_activitymetrics | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Package cache | Reported in the activity_metrics document. | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
stmt_first_use_time - Statement first use timestamp monitor element
This element shows the first time the statement entry was processed. For cursor operations, stmt_first_use_time shows when the cursor was opened. At application coordination nodes, this value reflects the application requests; at non-coordinator nodes, this value reflects when requests were received from the originating node.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values 1 | event_stmt_history | timestamp |
Deadlocks with Details History 1 | event_stmt_history | timestamp |
Activities | event_activitystmt | timestamp |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
Use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to see the sequence of SQL statements that caused the deadlock.
stmt_history_id - Statement history identifier monitor element
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Deadlocks with Details History Values | event_stmt_history | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values | event_data_value | - |
Deadlocks with Details History | event_stmt_history | - |
- Usage
- You can use this information to see the sequence of SQL statements that caused the deadlock.
stmt_invocation_id - Statement invocation identifier monitor element
An identifier that distinguishes one invocation of a routine from others at the same nesting level within a unit of work. It is unique within a unit of work for a specific nesting level. This monitor element is an alias for the invocation_id element.
You can use this element to uniquely identify the invocation in which a particular SQL statement has been executed. You can also use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to see the sequence of SQL statements that caused the deadlock.
stmt_isolation - Statement isolation monitor element
This element shows the isolation value in effect for the statement while it was being run.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Deadlocks with Details History Values | event_stmt_history | - |
Deadlocks with Details History | event_stmt_history | - |
Activities | event_activitystmt | - |
The possible isolation level values are:
- SQLM_ISOLATION_LEVEL_NONE 0 (no isolation level specified)
- SQLM_ISOLATION_LEVEL_UR 1 (uncommitted read)
- SQLM_ISOLATION_LEVEL_CS 2 (cursor stability)
- SQLM_ISOLATION_LEVEL_RS 3 (read stability)
- SQLM_ISOLATION_LEVEL_RR 4 (repeatable read)
- Usage
- You can use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock and the execution behavior of a particular SQL statement.
stmt_last_use_time - Statement last use timestamp monitor element
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values 1 | event_stmt_history | timestamp |
Deadlocks with Details History 1 | event_stmt_history | timestamp |
Activities | event_activitystmt | timestamp |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
Use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to see the sequence of SQL statements that caused the deadlock.
stmt_lock_timeout - Statement lock timeout monitor element
This element shows the lock timeout value in effect for the statement while it was being run.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | event_stmt_history | - |
Deadlocks with Details History1 | event_stmt_history | - |
Activities | event_activitystmt | - |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock and the execution behavior of a particular SQL statement.
stmt_nest_level - Statement nesting level monitor element
This element shows the level of nesting or recursion in effect when the statement was being run; each level of nesting corresponds to nested or recursive invocation of a stored procedure or user-defined function (UDF). This monitor element is an alias for the nesting_level element.
You can use this element, along with stmt_invocation_id monitor element, to uniquely identify the invocation in which a particular SQL statement has been executed. You can also use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to see the sequence of SQL statements that caused the deadlock.
stmt_node_number - Statement Node monitor element
Node where the statement was executed.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement |
- Usage
- Used to correlate each statement with the node where it was executed.
stmt_operation/operation - Statement operation monitor element
The statement operation currently being processed or most recently processed (if none currently running).
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details1 | event_detailed_dlconn | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element to determine the operation that is executing or recently finished.
It can be one of the following.
Value | Constant | Description |
1 | SQLM_PREPARE | SQL Prepare |
2 | SQLM_EXECUTE | SQL Execute |
3 | SQLM_EXECUTE_IMMEDIATE | SQL Execute Immediate |
4 | SQLM_OPEN | SQL Open |
5 | SQLM_FETCH | SQL Fetch |
6 | SQLM_CLOSE | SQL Close |
7 | SQLM_DESCRIBE | SQL Describe |
8 | SQLM_STATIC_COMMIT | SQL Static Commit |
9 | SQLM_STATIC_ROLLBACK | SQL Static Rollback |
10 | FREE LOCATOR | SQL Free Locator |
11 | SQLM_PREP_COMMIT | Prepare to commit (2-phase commit) |
12 | SQLM_CALL | Call a stored procedure |
15 | SQLM_SELECT | SELECT statement |
16 | SQLM_PREP_OPEN | Prep. and open (Db2 Connect only) |
17 | SQLM_PREP_EXEC | Prep. and execute (Db2 Connect) |
18 | SQLM_COMPILE | Compile (Db2 Connect only) |
19 | SQLM_SET | SET statement |
Value | Constant | Description |
20 | SQLM_RUNSTATS | Runstats |
21 | SQLM_REORG | Reorg. |
22 | SQLM_REBIND | Rebind package |
23 | SQLM_REDIST | Redistribute |
24 | SQLM_GETTA | Get Table Authorization |
25 | SQLM_GETAA | Get Administrative Authorization |
27 | SQLM_DRPPKG | Drop Package |
stmt_pkg_cache_id - Statement package cache identifier monitor element
This element shows the internal package cache identifier (ID) for a dynamic SQL statement.The element name stmt_pkgcache_id is used as a synonym for this element in some monitoring interfaces.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Dynamic SQL | dynsql | Basic |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | lock_participant_activities | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | event_stmt_history | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History1 | event_stmt_history | Always collected |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Package cache | pkgcache- | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
In a multi-partitioned environment, each partition has a unique statement ID for a cached statement. A given statement may not have the same ID across partitions.
In a global dynamic SQL snapshot, only the first statement ID is returned.
stmt_query_id - Statement query identifier monitor element
This element shows the internal query identifier (ID) given to any SQL statement used as a cursor.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | event_stmt_history | - |
Deadlocks with Details History1 | event_stmt_history | - |
Activities | event_activitystmt | - |
You can use this element, along with the stmt_nest_level monitor element, to uniquely identify an invocation of a particular SQL statement. You can also use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock.
stmt_sorts - Statement Sorts monitor element
The total number of times that a set of data was sorted in order to process the stmt_operation.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Statement |
Application | stmt | Statement |
Dynamic SQL | dynsql | Statement |
- Usage
You can use this element to help identify the need for an index, since
indexes can reduce the need for sorting of data. Using the related
elements in the previously shown table you can identify the SQL statement for which this
is providing sort information, and then analyze this statement to
index candidates by looking at columns that are being sorted (for
columns used in ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses and join columns). See explain in
Administration Guide
on checking whether your indexes are used to optimize sort performance.
This count includes sorts of temporary tables that were generated internally by the database manager to execute the statement. The number of sorts is associated with the first FETCH operation of the SQL statement. This information is returned to you when the operation for the statement is the first FETCH. You should note that for blocked cursors several fetches may be performed when the cursor is opened. In these cases it can be difficult to use the snapshot monitor to obtain the number of sorts, since a snapshot would need to be taken while the database system was internally issuing the first FETCH.
A more reliable way to determine the number of sorts performed when using a blocked cursor would be with an event monitor declared for statements. The total_sorts counter, in the statement event for the CLOSE cursor, contains the total number of sorts that were performed while executing the statement for which the cursor was defined.
stmt_source_id - Statement source identifier monitor element
This element shows the internal identifier (ID) given to the source of the SQL statement that was run.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | event_stmt_history | - |
Deadlocks with Details History1 | event_stmt_history | - |
Activities | event_activitystmt | - |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element, along with appl_id monitor element, to uniquely identify the origin of a request to run a particular SQL statement. You can also use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock.
stmt_start - Statement Operation Start Timestamp monitor element
The date and time when the stmt_operation started executing.
- Element identifier
- stmt_start
- Element type
- timestamp
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
- Usage
- You can use this element with stmt_stop to calculate the elapsed statement operation execution time.
stmt_stop - Statement Operation Stop Timestamp monitor element
The date and time when the stmt_operation stopped executing.
- Element identifier
- stmt_stop
- Element type
- Timestamp
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
- Usage
- You can use this element with stmt_start to calculate the elapsed statement operation execution time.
stmt_sys_cpu_time - System CPU Time used by Statement monitor element
The total system CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the currently executing statement.
- Element identifier
- stmt_sys_cpu_time
- Element type
- time
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Statement, Timestamp |
Application | stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
- Usage
- This element along with the other related
CPU-time elements can help
you understand the level of activity within an application, and can
help you
identify applications that could benefit from additional tuning.
This counter includes time spent on both SQL and non-SQL statements, as well as any unfenced user defined functions (UDF) or stored procedures executed by the application.
System CPU represents the time spent in system calls. User CPU represents time spent executing database manager code.
Note: If this information is not available for your operating system, this element will be set to 0.
stmt_text - SQL statement text monitor element
The text of the SQL statement.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement |
Dynamic SQL | dynsql | Basic |
DCS Statement | dcs_stmt | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Change history | ddlstmtexec | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details1 | event_detailed_dlconn | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History1 | event_stmt_history | Always collected |
Locking | lock_participant_activities | Always collected |
Package cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
For application snapshots, this statement text helps you identify what the application was executing when the snapshot was taken, or most recently processed if no statement was being processed right at the time the snapshot was taken.
The information returned by this element is taken from the SQL statement cache and it might not be available if the cache has overflowed. The only guaranteed way to capture the SQL text of a statement is to use an event monitor for statements.
For dynamic SQL statements, this element identifies the SQL text associated with a package.
For statement event monitors, this element is returned only for dynamic statements. If a statement event monitor record cannot fit into the size of the buffer specified by the BUFFERSIZE option of a statement event monitor, the value of the stmt_text monitor may be truncated so that the record can fit.
For the EVENT_STMT_HISTORY event monitor, this element is returned only for dynamic statements. For remaining event monitors, stmt_text is returned for dynamic and static statements only if it is available in the SQL statement cache.
For information about how to query the system catalog tables to obtain static SQL statement text that is not provided due to performance considerations, see the section_number monitor element.
stmt_type - Statement type monitor element
The type of statement processed.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | stmt | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details1 | event_detailed_dlconn | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element to determine the type of statement that is executing. It can be one of the following values:
Type of statement | API constant | Numeric value |
static SQL statement | SQLM_STATIC | 1 |
dynamic SQL statement | SQLM_DYNAMIC | 2 |
operation other than an SQL statement; for example, a bind or pre-compile operation | SQLM_NON_STMT | 3 |
stmt_type_id - Statement type identifier monitor element
Statement type identifier.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Package cache | - | Always collected |
Statement not prepared
DDL, (not Set Constraints)
DDL, Set Constraints
DML, Select
DML, Insert/Update/Delete
DML, Select (blockable)
DML, Lock Table
DML, Commit/Rollback
Set environment
DDL, Savepoint
DDL, (declared user temp)
Passthru support
Free locator
DML, Select with IUD
DML, Select with IUD (blockable)
Top-level SET, no SQL
Top-level SET, reads SQL
DDL, (issues internal commit)
Top-level SET, modifies SQL
stmt_unicode - Statement unicode flag monitor element
The SQL statement unicode flag. Possible values: Yes or No.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | lock_participant_activities |
stmt_usr_cpu_time - User CPU Time used by Statement monitor element
The total user CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the currently executing statement.
- Element identifier
- stmt_usr_cpu_time
- Element type
- time
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Application | appl | Statement, Timestamp |
Application | stmt | Statement, Timestamp |
- Usage
- This element along with the other
related CPU-time elements can help
you understand the level of activity within an application, and can
help you
identify applications that could benefit from additional tuning.
This counter includes time spent on both SQL and non-SQL statements, as well as any unfenced user-defined functions (UDFs) or stored procedures executed by the application.
System CPU represents the time spent in system calls. User CPU represents time spent executing database manager code.
Note: If this information is not available for your operating system, this element will be set to 0.
stmt_value_data - Value data monitor element
This element contains a string representation of a data value to an SQL statement. LOB, LONG, and structured type parameters appear as empty strings. Date, time, and timestamp fields are recorded in ISO format.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | stmt_value_data | Always collected |
Activities | event_activityvals | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock.
stmt_value_index - Value index monitor element
This element represents the position of the input parameter marker or host variable used in the SQL statement.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | stmt_value_data | Always collected |
Activities | event_activityvals | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock.
stmt_value_isnull - Value has null value monitor element
This element shows whether a data value that is associated with an SQL statement is the NULL value; whether an extended indicator has been used to specify the default value; or that this statement value is unassigned.
- 0 or "no" if the value is not NULL
- 1 or "yes" if the value is NULL
- 2 or "default" if the extended indicator value of default (-5) was specified for this statement value
- 3 or "unassigned" if the extended indicator value of unassigned (-7) was specified for this statement value
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | stmt_value_isnull | Always collected |
Activities | event_activityvals | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock.
stmt_value_isreopt - Variable used for statement reoptimization monitor element
Trueif the statement was reoptimized (for example, due to the setting of the REOPT bind option) and if the value was used as input to the SQL compiler during this reoptimization.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries | ACTIVITY METRICS BASE |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | - |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | event_data_value | - |
Activities | event_activityvals | - |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element in conjunction with the provided compilation environment to allow for full analysis of the SQL compiler's treatment of the SQL statement.
stmt_value_type - Value type monitor element
This element contains a string representation of the type of a data value associated with an SQL statement.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Locking | - | Always collected |
Deadlocks with Details History Values1 | stmt_value_type | Always collected |
Activities | event_activityvals | Always collected |
- 1
- This event monitor has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.
You can use this element in conjunction with other statement history entries to understand the cause of the deadlock.
stmtid - Query statement ID monitor element
The hash key value that identifies normalized statement text that is associated with a section. Semantic content such as the function path and current schema are not part of the statement identifier.
Table function | Monitor element collection level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Return information about an activity as an XML document | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event type | Logical data grouping | Monitor switch |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Package cache | pkgcache | Always collected |
Use this monitor element with the semantic_env_id monitor element to aggregate and group monitor data for similar statements.
stmtno - Statement number monitor element
Statement number within a package for a static SQL statement.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function - Return a list of activities | Always collected |
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache | Always collected |
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_EXEC_LIST table function - get list of statements executed by routine | Always collected |
WLM_GET_WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ACTIVITIES table function - return a list of activities | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Element Collection Level |
Activities | event_activitystmt | Always collected |
Package CacheActivities | event_pkgcache | Always collected |
For static SQL statements, this value is the same as the value used for the SYSCAT.STATEMENTS catalog view.
sto_path_free_size - Automatic storage path free space monitor element
This element shows the amount of free space (in bytes) available on a file system pointed to by a storage path. If multiple storage paths point to the same file system, the free size is not divided between the separate storage groups. The free size is divided between the multiple paths that point to the same file system within one storage group.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function - Get storage path information for storage groups | Always collected |
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | db_sto_path_info | Buffer Pool |
- db_storage_path
- fs_used_size
- fs_total_size
- fs_id
stop_time - Event stop time monitor element
The date and time when the statement stopped running or the unit of work completed.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statements | event_stmt | Timestamp |
Unit of Work | uow | Always Collected |
- Usage
- Use this element with the start_time element to calculate the elapsed
statement execution time or the elapsed unit of work time.
For a FETCH statement event, the value of stop_time is the time of the last successful fetch.
Note: When the Timestamp switch is OFF, the stop_time element that is reported by the statement event monitor returns 0 (zero).
storage_group_id - Storage group identifier monitor element
An integer that uniquely represents a storage group used by the current database.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function - get storage path information for storage groups | Always collected |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - get table space metrics | Always collected |
Usage notes
- If using the ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function, the storage group identifier indicates the storage group to which a storage path is defined.
- If using the MON_GET_TABLESPACES table function, the storage group identifier indicates which storage group the table space is defined in.
storage_group_name - Storage group name monitor element
Name of a storage group.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function - get storage path information for storage groups | Always collected |
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - get table space metrics | Always collected |
Usage notes
- If using the ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function, this monitor element indicates the storage group to which a storage path is defined.
- If using the MON_GET_TABLESPACES table function, this monitor element indicates which storage group the table space is defined in.
stored_proc_time - Stored Procedure Time monitor element
This element contains the aggregate amount of time, in milliseconds, that it has taken this data source to respond to stored procedure statements from all applications or a single application running on this federated server instance from the start of the federated server instance or the last reset of the database monitor counters.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase_remote | Timestamp |
Application | appl_remote | Timestamp |
The response time is measured as the difference between the time the federated server submits a stored procedure to the data source, and the time it takes the data source to respond, indicating that the stored procedure has been processed.
- Usage
- Use this element to determine how much actual time is spent at this data source processing stored procedures.
stored_procs - Stored Procedures monitor element
This element contains a count of the total number of stored procedures from the start of the federated server instance, or the last reset of the database monitor counters, that the federated server has called at this data source on behalf of any application.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase_remote | Basic |
Application | appl_remote | Basic |
- Usage
- Use this element to determine how many stored procedure calls were made locally at the federated database or by an application against the federated database.
subroutine_id - Subroutine identifier monitor element
A unique subroutine identifier.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated execution metrics for routines | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated execution metric details for routines | Always collected |
MON_GET_ROUTINE_EXEC_LIST table function - get list of statements executed by routine | Always collected |
MON_GET_SECTION_ROUTINE table function - get list of routines for input section | Always collected |
Declared procedures have the same external ROUTINE_ID value as their parent, use this element to differentiate between them.
swap_pages_in - Pages swapped in from disk monitor element
The number of pages swapped in from disk since system startup. Reported for AIX® and Linux® systems only.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table function - Return system information | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_osmetrics | Always collected |
This metric reports point in time information at statistics event monitor record generation.
swap_pages_out - Pages swapped out to disk monitor element
The number of pages swapped out to disk since system startup. Reported for AIX and Linux systems only.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table function - Return system information | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_osmetrics | Always collected |
This metric reports point in time information at statistics event monitor record generation.
swap_page_size - Swap page size monitor element
The page size used for swap space, in bytes. Reported for AIX and Linux systems only.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table function - Return system information | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Statistics | event_osmetrics | Always collected |
This metric reports point in time information at statistics event monitor record generation.
sync_runstats - Total number of synchronous RUNSTATS activities monitor element
The total number of synchronous RUNSTATS activities triggered by real-time statistics gathering for all the applications in the database. This value includes both successful and unsuccessful synchronous RUNSTATS commands. Values reported by all the database partitions are aggregated together.
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Use this monitor element to determine how many synchronous RUNSTATS activities have been triggered by real-time statistics gathering in the database. This value changes frequently. In order to get a better view of the system usage, take a snapshot at specific intervals over an extended period of time. When used in conjunction with sync_runstats_time, this element can help you evaluate the performance impact of synchronous RUNSTATS activities triggered by real-time statistics gathering.
sync_runstats_time - Total time spent on synchronous RUNSTATS activities monitor element
Snapshot Level | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | dbase | Statement |
Dynamic SQL | dynsql | Statement |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Database | event_db | Always collected |
Statement | event_stmt | Always collected |
Use this element along with sync_runstats to evaluate the performance impact of synchronous RUNSTATS activities triggered by real-time statistics gathering, at the database level,
For dynamic SQL snapshot monitor, use this element along with total_exec_time and num_executions to evaluate the impact of synchronous RUNSTATS on query performance.
For the statement event monitor, use this element along with stmt_start and stmt_stop for further evaluation of the impact of real-time statistics gathering.
system_auth_id - System authorization identifier monitor element
The system authorization id for the connection.
This monitor element is a synonym for the system_authid monitor element.
Table Function | Monitor Element Collection Level |
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics | Always collected |
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) | Always collected |
WLM_GET_SERVICE_CLASS_WORKLOAD _OCCURRENCES table function - list workload occurrences | Always collected |
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Element Collection Level |
Threshold violations | event_thresholdviolations | Always collected |
Change history | changesummary | Always collected |
system_cpu_time - System CPU time monitor element
The total system CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the database manager agent process, the unit of work, or the statement. For event monitors that write to tables, the value of this element is given in microseconds by using the BIGINT data type.
When either the statement monitor switch or the timestamp switch is not turned on, this element is not collected. In that case, the monitor element displays -1 instead.
Event Type | Logical Data Grouping | Monitor Switch |
Connection | event_conn | Always collected |
Transactions | event_xact | Always collected |
Statements | event_stmt | Always collected |
Activities | event_activity | Always collected |
This element, along with the other related CPU-time elements, can help you understand the level of activity within an application, and can help you identify applications that could benefit from additional tuning.