QuorumType XML schema definition for Db2 High Availability Instance Configuration Utility (db2haicu) input files

A QuorumType element specifies the quorum device for the cluster domain.


The following types of elements contain QuorumType subelements:

XML schema definition

<xs:complexType name='QuorumType'> 
  <xs:attribute name='quorumDeviceProtocol'
  <xs:attribute name='quorumDeviceName'




quorumDeviceProtocol (required)
quorumDeviceProtocol specifies the type of quorum to use.

A quorum device helps a cluster manager make cluster management decisions when the cluster manager's normal decision process does not produce a clear choice.

The type of the quorumDeviceProtocol attribute is QuorumDeviceProtocolType.

Here is the XML schema definition for the QuorumDeviceProtocolType:

<xs:simpleType name='QuorumDeviceProtocolType'> 
  <xs:restriction base='xs:string'> 
    <xs:enumeration value='disk'/> 
    <xs:enumeration value='scsi'/> 
    <xs:enumeration value='network'/> 
    <xs:enumeration value='eckd'/> 
    <xs:enumeration value='mns'/> 

Currently supported values for this attribute are specified in the following table:

Table 1. Valid values for the quorumDeviceProtocol attribute
quorumDeviceProtocol value Meaning
network A network quorum device is an IP address to which every cluster domain node can connect at all times.
MNS Cluster must have an odd number of hosts. In the event of an outage, quorum is preserved as long as a majority of nodes in the cluster survives.
disk A disk that is shared by one or more nodes in the peer domain. In case of an outage, any node that cannot acquire this lock is assumed to be out of quorum.
The value of the quorumDeviceName depends on the type of quorum device specified in quorumDeviceProtocol.

Valid values for this attribute are specified in the following table:

Table 2. Valid values for the quorumDeviceName attribute
Value of quorumDeviceProtocol Valid value for quorumDeviceName
network A string containing a properly formatted IP address. For example:

For the IP address that you specify to be valid as a network quorum device, every cluster domain node must be able to access this IP addressed (using the ping utility, for example.)


The value of the quorumDiskValue depends on the type of quorum device specified in quorumDeviceProtocol.

Valid values for this attribute are specified in the following table:

Table 3. Valid values for the quorumDiskValue attribute
Value of quorumDeviceProtocol Valid value for quorumDeviceName
disk A valid identifier for the shared disk. It can be in the following format:
  • device path
  • PVID=<pvid>

  • device path
  • WWID=<wwid>
  • WWN=<wwn>