fcm_parallelism - Internode communication parallelism configuration parameter

This parameter specifies the degree of parallelism that is used for communication (both control messages and data flow) between members within a Db2® instance.

This parameter determines the number of sender and receiver fast communication manager conduit pairs. By default, an instance has only one pair: one sender and one receiver that handle all communication to and from other members in the instance.

Configuration type
Database manager
Applies to
  • Database server with local and remote clients
  • Database server with local clients
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
Parameter type
Default [range]

When this configuration parameter is set to 1, no parallelism is used. Updates to this parameter take effect only after you shut down and restart all members in an instance.

When this configuration parameter is set to AUTOMATIC, a computed value is determined based on the following items:
  • Number of CPU cores
  • Entries in the db2nodes.cfg file