srvcon_gssplugin_list - List of GSS API plug-ins for incoming connections at the server configuration parameter

This parameter specifies the GSS API plug-in libraries that are supported by the database server. It handles incoming connections at the server when the srvcon_auth configuration parameter is specified as KERBEROS, KRB_SERVER_ENCRYPT, GSSPLUGIN or GSS_SERVER_ENCRYPT, or when srvcon_auth is not specified, and authentication is specified as KERBEROS, KRB_SERVER_ENCRYPT, GSSPLUGIN or GSS_SERVER_ENCRYPT.
Configuration type
Database manager
Applies to
  • Database server with local and remote clients
  • Database server with local clients
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
Parameter type
Default [range]
Null [any valid string ]

By default, the value is null. If the authentication type is GSSPLUGIN and this parameter is NULL, an error is returned. If the authentication type is KERBEROS and this parameter is NULL, the Db2® supplied kerberos module or library is used. This parameter is not used if another authentication type is used.

When the authentication type is KERBEROS and the value of this parameter is not NULL, the list must contain exactly one Kerberos plug-in, and that plug-in is used for authentication (all other GSS plug-ins in the list are ignored). If there is more than one Kerberos plug-in, an error is returned.

Each GSS API plug-in name must be separated by a comma (,) with no space either before or after the comma. Plug-in names should be listed in the order of preference.