dft_degree - Default degree configuration parameter

This parameter specifies the default value for the CURRENT DEGREE special register and the DEGREE bind option.

Configuration type
Parameter type
  • Configurable online
  • Configurable by member in a Db2® pureScale® environment
Propagation class
Default [range]
1 [-1(ANY), 1 - 32 767]
Note: The default value is subject to change by the Db2 Configuration Advisor after initial database creation.

The default value is 1.

A value of 1 means no intrapartition parallelism. A value of -1 (or ANY) means the optimizer determines the degree of intrapartition parallelism based on the number of processors and the type of query.

The degree of intrapartition parallelism for an SQL statement is specified at statement compilation time using the CURRENT DEGREE special register or the DEGREE bind option. The maximum runtime degree of intrapartition parallelism for an active application is specified using the SET RUNTIME DEGREE command. The Maximum Query Degree of Parallelism (max_querydegree) configuration parameter specifies the maximum query degree of intrapartition parallelism for all SQL queries.

The actual runtime degree used is the lowest of:
  • max_querydegree configuration parameter
  • application runtime degree
  • SQL statement compilation degree
  • MAXIMUM DEGREE service class option
  • MAXIMUM DEGREE workload option