db2snapcore - Db2 snapcore for Unix and Linux command

On Unix and Linux® operating systems, the command extracts the shared objects list section from the EDU trap file or pmap file, combines the section together with a core file and compresses the output into an archive which can be sent to IBM Support for analysis. db2snapcore command can now work on the AIX platform, which means it supports all Unix and Linux platforms. The usage on AIX is the same as Linux.


One of the following authorities:
  • Instance owners
  • DBADM authority

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdb2snapcore-ccorefile-ttrapfile-mpmapfile-eexecutable_path-ooutput_directory-ptarpax-v

Command parameters

-c corefile | -corefile corefile
Specifies a relative or absolute path to the core file.
-t trapfile | -trapfile trapfile
Specifies a relative or absolute path to the trap file.
-m pmapfile | -mapfile pmapfile
Specifies a relative or absolute path to the pmap file.
-e executable_path | -executable executable_path
Specifies a relative or absolute path to the executable file. This file is either provided by IBM Support or obtained from the trap file under the guidance of IBM Support.
-o output_directory | -outdir output_directory
Specifies an output directory for the compressed output file. The specified output directory must exist.
-p | -packCommand
Compresses all files into an archive. On Linux operating systems, files are compressed into a pax archive by default.
Specifies that the files are compressed using the pax (portable archive exchange) command.
Specifies that the files are compressed using the tar (tape archive) command. Requires the tar command to be installed on the system.
-v | -verbose
Enables verbose mode.


To archive the extracted shared objects list section from an EDU trap file or pmap file and a core file, issue a command like the following, replacing core and trap file names as required:
Linux and AIX
db2snapcore -corefile db2sysc.6270.98042.core 
   -trapfile 28930.16.000.trap.txt -e ~/sqllib/adm/db2sysc

Depending on which archiving method is used (pax command or tar command), the file name for the resulting archive is either db2snapcore.pax.gz or db2snapcore.tar.gz.