DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Deferred prepare in CLI applications

Deferred prepare is a CLI feature that minimize communication with the server by sending both the prepare and execute requests for SQL statements in the same network flow.

The default value for this property can be overridden using the CLI/ODBC configuration keyword DeferredPrepare. This property can be set on a per-statement handle basis by calling SQLSetStmtAttr() to change the SQL_ATTR_DEFERRED_PREPARE statement attribute.

When deferred prepare is on, the prepare request is not sent to the server until the corresponding execute request is issued. The two requests are then combined into one command/reply flow (instead of two) to minimize network flow and to improve performance. Because of this behavior, any errors that would typically be generated by SQLPrepare() will appear at execute time, and SQLPrepare() will always return SQL_SUCCESS. Deferred prepare is of greatest benefit when the application generates queries where the answer set is very small, and the resource usage of separate requests and replies is not spread across multiple blocks of query data.
Note: Even if deferred prepare is enabled, operations that require a statement to be prepared before the operation's execution will force the prepare request to be sent to the server before the execute. Describe operations resulting from calls to SQLDescribeParam() or SQLDescribeCol() are examples of when deferred prepare will be overridden, because describe information is only available after the statement has been prepared.