DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Improving query performance for large statistics logs

If the statistics log files are large, you can improve query performance by copying the log records into a table, creating indexes, and then gathering statistics.


  1. Create a table with appropriate columns for the log records.
       create table db2user.stats_log (
         pid         bigint,
         tid         bigint,
         timestamp   timestamp,
         dbname      varchar(128),
         retcode     integer,
         eventtype   varchar(24),
         objtype     varchar(30),
         objschema   varchar(20),
         objname     varchar(30),
         event1_type varchar(20),
         event1      timestamp,
         event2_type varchar(20),
         event2      varchar(40),
         event3_type varchar(20),
         event3      varchar(40),
         eventstate  varchar(20))
  2. Declare a cursor for a query against SYSPROC.PD_GET_DIAG_HIST.
       declare c1 cursor for
         select pid, tid, timestamp, dbname, retcode, eventtype,
             substr(objtype, 1, 30) as objtype,
             substr(objname_qualifier, 1, 20) as objschema,
             substr(objname, 1, 30) as objname,
             substr(first_eventqualifiertype, 1, 20),
             substr(first_eventqualifier, 1, 26),
             substr(second_eventqualifiertype, 1, 20),
             substr(second_eventqualifier, 1, 40),
             substr(third_eventqualifiertype, 1, 20),
             substr(third_eventqualifier, 1, 40),
             substr(eventstate, 1, 20)
           from table (sysproc.pd_get_diag_hist
             ('optstats', 'EX', 'NONE',
               current_timestamp - 1 year, cast(null as timestamp ))) as sl
  3. Load the statistics log records into the table.
       load from c1 of cursor replace into db2user.stats_log
  4. Create indexes and then gather statistics on the table.
       create index sl_ix1 on db2user.stats_log(eventtype, event1);
       create index sl_ix2 on db2user.stats_log(objtype, event1);
       create index sl_ix3 on db2user.stats_log(objname);
       runstats on table db2user.stats_log
         with distribution and sampled detailed indexes all;