DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

History tables

Each system-period temporal table requires a history table. When a row is updated or deleted from a system-period temporal table, the database manager inserts a copy of the old row into its associated history table. This storage of old system-period temporal table data gives you the ability to retrieve data from past points in time.

In order to store row data, the history table columns and system-period temporal table columns must have the same names, order, and data types. You can create a history table with the same names and descriptions as the columns of the system-period temporal table by using the LIKE clause of the CREATE TABLE statement, for example:
CREATE TABLE employees_history LIKE employees IN hist_space;
An existing table can be used as a history table if it avoids the restrictions listed in the description of the ALTER TABLE statement USE HISTORY clause.
After you create a history table, you add versioning to establish the link between the system-period temporal table and the history table.
A history table is subject to the following rules and restrictions when versioning is enabled:

You should rarely need to explicitly change a history table. Doing so might jeopardize your ability to audit a system-period temporal table data history. You should restrict access to a history table to protect its data.

Under normal operations, a history table experiences mostly insert and read activities. Updates and deletes are rare. The absence of updates and deletes means that history tables typically do not have free space that can be reused for the inserting of new rows. If row inserts into the history table are negatively impacting workload performance, you can eliminate the search for free space by altering the definition of the history table by using the APPEND ON option. This option avoids the processing associated with free space searches and directly appends new rows to the end of the table.
ALTER TABLE employees_history APPEND ON;
When a system-period temporal table is dropped, the associated history table and any indexes defined on the history table are implicitly dropped. To avoid losing historical data when a system-period temporal table is dropped, you can either create the history table with the RESTRICT ON DROP attribute or alter the history table by adding the RESTRICT ON DROP attribute.
CREATE TABLE employees_history LIKE employees WITH RESTRICT ON DROP;
Because history tables experience more inserts than deletes, your history tables are always growing and so are consuming an increasing amount of storage. Deciding how to prune your history tables to get rid of the rows that you no longer need can be a complex task. You need to understand the value of your individual records. Some content, like customer contracts, might be untouchable and can never be deleted. While other records, like website visitor information, can be pruned without concern. Often it is not the age of a row that determines when it can be pruned and archived, but rather it is some business logic that is the deciding factor. The following list contains some possible rules for pruning:
There are several ways to periodically prune old data from a history table: