Referencing LISTDEF lists in other utility jobs

You can use a list of objects that was defined with a LISTDEF control statement as a target object for another utility.


To reference LISTDEF lists in other utility jobs:

  1. Specify LISTDEF control statements to define the lists of objects.
    You can specify these LISTDEF statements in one of the following places:
    • In the SYSIN DD statement before the utility control statement that references it


      //SYSIN    DD *  
    • In one or more LISTDEF library data sets


      //* Create an input data set.                                
      //LOAD1    EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                 
      //SYSPRINT DD DUMMY                                          
      //SYSIN    DD DUMMY                                          
      //SYSUT2   DD DSN=JULTU103.TCASE.DATA2,                      
      //         DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG),                           
      //         UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(4000,(20,20),,,ROUND),          
      //         DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=2400)              
      //SYSUT1   DD *                                              
                      INCLUDE TABLESPACE DBLT0301.TSLT031B   

    Any LISTDEF statement that is defined within the SYSIN DD statement overrides another LISTDEF definition of the same name in a LISTDEF library data set.

  2. If you want to reference a list that is defined in a LISTDEF library data set, use the OPTIONS utility. In the SYSIN DD statement before the utility control statement that references the list, specify OPTIONS LISTDEFDD with the name of the LISTDEF library.


    //* QUIESCE LISTDEF DD LILSTDEF data sets                 
    //STEP1    EXEC DSNUPROC,UID='JULTU103.QUIESC2',         
    //            UTPROC='',SYSTEM='SSTR'                    
    //SYSIN    DD *                                          
        OPTIONS LISTDEFDD LISTLIB                     
  3. In the utility control statement, specify the LIST keyword and the list name.

    For example, you can use the QUIESCE utility to quiesce all objects in a list by specifying the following control statement:

    QUIESCE LIST list-name  

    Some utilities such as COPY and RECOVER, can process a LIST without a specified object type. Object types are determined from the list contents. Other utilities, such as REPORT, RUNSTATS, and REORG INDEX, must know the object type that is to be processed before processing can begin. These utilities require that you specify an object type in addition to the LIST keyword (for example: REPORT RECOVERY TABLESPACE LIST, RUNSTATS INDEX LIST, and REORG INDEX LIST). See the syntax diagrams for an individual utility for details.


In general, utilities process the objects in the list in the order in which they are specified. However, some utilities alter the list order for optimal processing. The following table shows the utilities that support the LIST keyword and how each utility processes the list.

Utility Order of list processing
CHECK INDEX Items are grouped by related table space. All index spaces that are related to a particular table space are processed at one time, regardless of list order.
COPY Items are processed in the specified order on a single call to COPY. The PARALLEL keyword is supported for a list, but if used, the order of processing is determined by Db2.
COPYTOCOPY Items are processed in the specified order on a single call to COPYTOCOPY.
MERGECOPY Items are processed in the specified order.
MODIFY RECOVERY Items are processed in the specified order.
MODIFY STATISTICS Items are processed in the specified order.
QUIESCE All items are processed in the specified order on a single call to QUIESCE.
REBUILD Items are grouped by related table space. All index spaces that are related to a particular table space are processed at one time, regardless of list order.
RECOVER Items are processed in the specified order on a single call to RECOVER.
REORG Items are processed in the specified order with one exception. Items at the partition level are grouped by table space when the first partition of a particular table space is encountered. Those partitions are processed on a single call to REORG.
REPORT Items are processed in the specified order.
RUNSTATS INDEX Items are grouped by related table space. All index spaces that are related to a particular table space are processed at one time, regardless of list order.
RUNSTATS TABLESPACE Items are processed in the specified order.
UNLOAD Items at the partition level are grouped by table space. All specified partitions of a particular table space are processed at one time, regardless of list order.