How to determine which system-level backups Db2 recovers

Db2 recovers different system level backups, depending on your situation.

To determine which system-level backups will be recovered:

  • If you specify YES in the RESTORE/RECOVER FROM DUMP field on installation panel DSNTIP6 or you specify the FROMDUMP option in the RECOVER utility statement, Db2 uses only the dumps on tape of the database copy pool.
  • If you specify a dump class name in the DUMP CLASS NAME field on installation panel DSNTIP6 or you specify the DUMPCLASS option in the RECOVER utility statement, Db2 uses dumps on tape of the database copy pool to restore the data sets from the DFSMshsm dump class.
  • If you do not specify a dump class name in the DUMP CLASS NAME field on installation panel DSNTIP6, or you do not specify the DUMPCLASS option in the RECOVER utility statement, RESTORE SYSTEM issues the DFSMShsm LIST COPYPOOL command and uses the first dump class listed in the output.

If FROMDUMP was not specified on the RECOVER utility statement or on installation panel DSNTIP6, the system-level backup on disk is used. If the system-level backup does not reside on disk, an error message is issued. If FROMDUMP was specified either on the RECOVER utility statement or on installation panel DSNTIP6, then the dumped copy of the system-level backup on tape is used.