Resetting CHECK-pending status for a LOB table space

Start of changeIf a LOB table space has a status of CHECK-pending (CHKP), you can remove the CHKP status by correcting the error and either rerunning the CHECK LOB utility or by running the REPAIR utility. End of change


To reset CHECK-pending status:

  1. Correct any defects that are found in the LOB table space by using the REPAIR utility.
    Attention: Use the REPAIR utility with care because improper use can further damage the data. If necessary, contact IBM® Support for guidance on using the REPAIR utility.
  2. Run CHECK LOB again or run the REPAIR utility to reset CHECK-pending status.
    If no inconsistencies remain in the table space, CHECK LOB resets the CHECK-pending status.
  3. If the table space is in auxiliary warning (AUXW) status, take the actions in Auxiliary warning status .