Renaming the owner, creator, and schema of database objects

You can rename the owner, creator, and schema of database objects.


To rename the owner, creator, and schema of database objects:

Run the CATMAINT utility with the SCHEMA SWITCH options.
Start of change

This process updates every owner, creator, or schema name in the catalog and directory that matches the specified schema-name-value.

If schema-name identifies the grantor for existing grants on the updated objects, new-schema-name becomes the new grantor, and if schema-name identifies the grantee, new-schema-name becomes the new grantee.

You can change multiple names by repeating the SWITCH keyword, but you can not specify the same name more than once. The names cannot be longer than 8 bytes in EBCDIC representation. 'SYSIBM' is not allowed as a schema-name or new-schema-name.

OWNER FROM and SCHEMA SWITCH are mutually exclusive. You cannot specify both clauses in the same CATMAINT UPDATE statement.

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