Updating statistics profiles

You can modify options to change the statistics that are collected by existing statistics profiles that you have created, or those that are created for autonomic statistics monitoring by the ADMIN_UTL_MONITOR stored procedure.


To modify an existing statistics profile:

Issue following RUNSTATS control statement:
RUNSTATS TABLESPACE ts-name TABLE table-name runstats-options UPDATE PROFILE


No statistics are collected when you invoke the RUNSTATS utility with the UDPATE PROFILE option. Db2 replaces any existing options that are specified in PROFILE_TEXT column of the SYSIBM.SYSTABLES_PROFILES catalog table with values options that are specified in runstats-options for the table that is specified by table-name. Any options that are not specified remain unchanged in the existing profile. If no profile exists for the specified table, Db2 issues an error message.

Start of changeFL 507 When you later collect statistics with the RUNSTATS TABLESPACE, REORG TABLESPACE, or LOAD utilities with USE PROFILE,the utility also removes any statistics that are not included in the profile.End of change