SQLCancel() - Cancel statement

SQLCancel() terminates an SQLExecDirect() or SQLExecute() sequence prematurely.

ODBC specifications for SQLCancel()

Table 1. SQLCancel() specifications
ODBC specification level In X/Open CLI CAE specification? In ISO CLI specification?
1.0 Yes Yes


SQLRETURN   SQLCancel        (SQLHSTMT          hstmt);

Function arguments

The following table lists the data type, use, and description for each argument in this function.

Table 2. SQLCancel() arguments
Data type Argument Use Description
SQLHSTMT hstmt input Statement handle


Use SQLCancel() to cancel the following types of processing on a statement:

  • Data-at-execution sequences on the current thread.
  • Functions running on the statement on another thread.

Canceling a data-at-execution sequence

After SQLExecDirect() or SQLExecute() returns SQL_NEED_DATA to solicit values for data-at-execution parameters, you can use SQLCancel() to cancel the data-at-execution sequence. You can call SQLCancel() any time before the final SQLParamData() in the sequence. After you cancel this sequence, you can call SQLExecute() or SQLExecDirect() to re-initiate the data-at-execution sequence.

If you call SQLCancel() on an statement handle that is not associated with a data-at-execution sequence, SQLCancel() has the same effect as SQLFreeHandle() with the HandleType set to SQL_HANDLE_STMT. You should not call SQLCancel() to close a cursor; instead, use SQLCloseCursor() to close cursors.

Canceling functions in multithreaded applications

When you execute a multithreaded application, you can cancel a function that is running synchronously on another thread. To cancel the function, you must call SQLCancel() on a different thread with the same statement handle as that used by the target function, and set the INTERRUPT keyword in the ODBC initialization file to either INTERRUPT=1 (the default setting) or INTERRUPT=2. In Db2 ODBC, INTERRUPT=1 and INTERRUPT=2 exhibit the same behavior, which is set to always drop the connection on a SQLCancel(). After you call SQLCancel()Db2 ODBC sets the return code to either SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_ERROR (no SQLSTATE) to indicate whether the cancel request was processed successfully.  If the request was successful, the connection associated with the statement handle is dropped and the canceled function returns SQLCODE -924 and SQLSTATE 58006.  In order for the statement handle to process additional database requests, you must establish a new connection with the database server.

If an SQL statement is being executed when SQLCancel() is called on another thread to cancel the statement execution, it is possible for the execution to succeed and return SQL_SUCCESS while the cancel is also successful. In this case, the connection associated with the statement is dropped regardless of the return code, so you will not be able to process additional database requests on that statement until you re-establish the connection.

Return codes

After you call SQLCancel(), it returns one of the following values:


The following table lists each SQLSTATE that this function generates, with a description and explanation for each value.

Table 3. SQLCancel() SQLSTATEs
SQLSTATE Description Explanation
08S01 Communication link failure. The communication link between the application and data source fails before the function completes.
HY001 Memory allocation failure. Db2 ODBC is not able to allocate the required memory to support the execution or the completion of the function.
HY013 Unexpected memory handling error. Db2 ODBC is not able to access the memory that is required to support execution or completion of the function.


Db2 ODBC does not support asynchronous statement execution.