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DSNT773I csect-name SERVER DISTRIBUTED AGENT WITH LUWID=luwid THREAD-INFO=thread-information FOR LOCATION=location RECEIVED event-type WARNING DUE TO PROFILE ID=profile-idStart of changeOCCURRED numberTIME(S)End of change


A monitor profile has detected that a warning condition occurred.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The logical unit of work identifier (LUWID).
Information about the thread.
thread-information is a colon-delimited list that contains the following segments. An asterisk (*) in any segment indicates that the information is not available.
  • The primary authorization ID that is associated with the thread.
  • The name of the user's workstation.
  • The ID of the user.
  • The name of the application.
  • The statement type for the previously executed statement: dynamic or static.
  • The statement identifier for the previously executed statement, if available. The statement identifier can be used to identify the particular SQL statement. For static statements, the statement identifier correlates to the STMT_ID column in the SYSIBM.SYSPACKSTMT table. For dynamic statements, the statement identifier correlates to the STMT_ID column in the DSN_STATEMENT_CACHE_TABLE table. That statement might not have contributed to the current failure.
  • The name of the role that is associated with the thread.
  • The correlation token that can be used to correlate work at the remote system with work performed at the Db2 subsystem. The correlation token, if available, is enclosed in '<' and '>' characters, and contains three components, separated by periods:
    • A 3 to 39 character IP address.
    • A 1 to 8 character port address.
    • A 12 character unique identifier.
The IP address of the requester.
The type of profile threshold event, as defined in the SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES table, that was exceeded:
A profile warning threshold was exceeded for the monitor idle threads event type.
Start of changeMONITOR ALL CONNECTONSEnd of change
Start of changeA profile warning threshold was exceeded for the monitor all connections event type.End of change
Start of changeMONITOR ALL THREADSEnd of change
Start of changeA profile warning threshold was exceeded for the monitor all threads event type.End of change
A profile warning threshold was exceeded for the monitor connections event type.
A profile warning threshold was exceeded for the monitor threads event type.
FL 507 One or more global variables or special registers cannot be set using the profile attributes table specification of the KEYWORDS column set to either GLOBAL_VARIABLE or SPECIAL_REGISTER. One of the affected global variables or special registers is listed in the message (name). This event-type does not have to be defined in SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES table.
The profile ID of the monitor profile (defined in DSN_PROFILE_TABLE) that detected the condition.
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The number of times that profile-id monitor profile warning condition has occurred since this message was last issued for each unique connection identified by luwid.

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System action

This message is issued every time that a thread exceeds a profile threshold as a result of the associated SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES table ATTRIBUTE1 column value of WARNING_DIAGLEVEL3.

FL 507When event-type of UNSUPPORTED: name is displayed, this message will be issued one time every 5 minutes for a given profile ID and requesting location.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Use the information in the message to determine which application was running when the warning occurred. Fix any application errors that caused the warning. If this message occurs excessively, consider changing the ATTRIBUTE1 column value.

FL 507 When event-type of UNSUPPORTED: name is displayed, remove the GLOBAL_VARIABLE or SPECIAL_REGISTER rows associated with the profile ID that cannot be set and then issue STOP PROFILE and START PROFILE, or rebind the application to use an application compatibility setting that supports the named capability. Start IFCID 406 trace to record SYSTEM PROFILE MONITOR DSNT773I messages.

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