DSNB777I ASYNCHRONOUS WRITES CHANGED PAGES = changed-pages-count CLEAN PAGES = clean-pages-count FAILED DUE TO LACK OF STORAGE = failed-writes-count WRITE-AROUND PAGES= write-around-count


This message is a section of output from the DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL command, which is part of message DSNB750I.

DSNB777I: Asynchronous write statistics

If the DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL command included the MDETAIL option, the output includes asynchronous write and cross-invalidation statistics for the group buffer pool. The term asynchronous means that the coupling facility interaction is done under the execution unit of a Db2 system, such as with a prefetch operation.

               CHANGED PAGES                           = changed-pages-count
               CLEAN PAGES                             = clean-pages-count
             FAILED WRITES DUE TO LACK OF STORAGE      = failed-writes-count
             WRITE-AROUND PAGES                        = write-around-count
The number of changed pages that were written asynchronously to the coupling facility.
The number of clean pages that were written asynchronously to the coupling facility.
The number of coupling facility write requests that were not completed because the group buffer pool did not have enough storage.
The number of changed pages that are written to disk through group-buffer-pool write-around protocol.