DSNTIPO2: Notice and acceptance of OTC license panel

Panel DSNTIPO2 is displayed only when you indicate on panel DSNTIPO1 (OTC license usage) that an OTC license is or will be in effect on this Db2 subsystem or data sharing member.

This panel displays the terms of that license and checks for your consent to abide by them. Review the terms by using the ISPF Up and Down keys to scroll through the text.

Figure 1. Notice and acceptance of OTC license panel: DSNTIPO2
DSNTIPO2             NOTICE AND ACCEPTANCE OF OTC LICENSE                                     
  This DB2 subsystem or data sharing member has been selected for operation     
  using an OTC license.  Use of this license is controlled by terms defined     
  of the following agreement:                                                   
  ---------------------------------- TERMS -----------------------------------  
                                                                   More:     +  
  A "Qualified Sysplex" means a Parallel Sysplex in which z/OS is eligible for  
  aggregated zNALC charges as described in the Charges section of the Attach-   
  ment for zNALC License Charges on IBM System z.                               
  Your license authorizes use of the Program only in a validly licensed System  
  z New Application License Charge ("zNALC") LPAR for Eligible Workloads which  
  are defined as workloads that meet the following criteria:                    
   * A workload (excluding applications running under Lotus Domino) that in-    
 You must accept these terms of this license in order to proceed:               
   LICENSE TERMS ACCEPTED ===>        Enter YES to proceed or RETURN to exit    
 PRESS:  UP/DOWN to scroll terms   RETURN to EXIT   HELP for more information