

Table creation has failed because Db2 cannot implicitly create a database, or cannot choose an existing available database with naming convention DSNxxxxx. The DSNxxxx value can range from DSN00001 to DSNnnnnn, where nnnnn is the maximum value of the sequence SYSIBM.DSNSEQ_IMPLICITDB, with a default value of 10000.

The cause of this failure is usually:

  • A lock timeout exists.
  • A deadlock condition exists.
  • Db2 was unable to access catalog pages.
  • On systems that contain a large number of databases: Db2 might have run out of resources to implicitly create a new database.

System action

The CREATE TABLE statement fails.

System programmer response

Use the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement to obtain information about the error conditions that have occurred. Analyze the error conditions to determine whether follow-up actions are necessary. If you suspect an error in Db2, you might need to report the problem. For information about identifying and reporting the problem, see Collecting diagnostic data.

Problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items:
  • Console output from the system on which the job was run, and a listing of the SYSLOG data set for the period of time that spans the failure.
  • Listing of Db2 log output.
  • Listing of the results produced by the SQL statements.
  • Listing of Db2 catalog tables.
  • Definitions of table spaces, tables, and indexes involved in the error.
  • Results from SELECT * from SYSIBM.SYSDATABASE.