

This abend is issued by the following Db2-supplied utility stored procedures:

  • Start of changeDSNUTILVEnd of change

An unexpected SQL error occurred during the execution of the stored procedure. These errors are usually caused by an environment or installation problem.

System action

The stored procedure abnormally terminates with SQLCODE -471.

System programmer response

Check the WLM address space for the routine that is specified in the message for the -471 SQLCODE to determine the cause of the problem. Review the installation process and ensure that the correct levels of libraries were used, and that all of the installation steps were followed.

User response

Notify the system programmer.

Problem determination

If you cannot correct the problem, gather information about the failing environment.

If you suspect an error in Db2, you might need to report the problem. For information about identifying and reporting the problem, see Collecting diagnostic data.

Collect the following diagnostic items:
  • Console output from the system on which the job was run, and a listing of the SYSLOG data set for the period of time that spans the failure.
  • Detailed description of events immediately prior to and during the abend.
  • Output from the BIND attempt.
  • All dumps created by this failure.