The rows in the SYSIBM.SYSINDEXCLEANUP table specify time windows to control index cleanup processing. Each row specifies a time window to enable or disable the cleanup of pseudo-deleted index entries for specific database objects. The schema is SYSIBM.

Table 1. SYSIBM.SYSINDEXCLEANUP table column descriptions
Column name Data type Description Use
DBNAME VARCHAR(24) The name of the database that contains the index space. G
INDEXSPACE VARCHAR(24) The name of the index space. G
ENABLE_DISABLE CHAR(1) NOT NULL Specifies whether the row enables or disables cleanup for the specified index space.
MONTH_WEEK CHAR(1) NOT NULL Indicates the meaning of the value of the DAY column:
The value indicates the day of the month.
The value indicates a day of the week.
MONTH SMALLINT The month in which the time window applies. For example a 1 value indicates January and a 12 value indicates December. If this column contains NULL, the time window applies to all months. If the value of the MONTH_WEEK column is 'W', this value must be NULL. G
DAY SMALLINT The day of the month or the day of the week for which the time window applies, as specified by the value of the MONTH_WEEK column.

For example, if MONTH_WEEK='W', a 1 value indicates Monday and 7 indicates Sunday.

If the value of this column is NULL, the time window applies to every day of the month or every day of the week.

START_TIME TIME The local time at the beginning of the time window specified by the row. When this column contains a null value, the row applies at all times on the specified days. This column must contain NULL if the END_TIME column contains NULL. G
END_TIME TIME The local time at the end of the time window specified by the row. When this column contains a null value, the row applies at all times on the specified days. This column must contain NULL if the START_TIME column contains NULL. G