REBUILD-pending status

A REBUILD-pending restrictive status indicates that the affected index or index partition is broken and must be rebuilt from the data.

REBUILD-pending (RBDP) status indicates that the physical or logical partition is inaccessible and must be rebuilt. RBDP status is set on a data-partitioned secondary index if you create the index after performing the following actions:

  • Create a partitioned table space.
  • Create a partitioning index.
  • Insert a row into a table.

In this situation, the last partition of the table space is set to REORG-pending (REORP) restrictive status.

REBUILD-pending star (RBDP*) status indicates that a logical partition of a nonpartitioned secondary index is unavailable for read-write access and the entire index is unavailable for read access.

Page set REBUILD-pending (PSRBD) status indicates that an entire nonpartitioned secondary index or index on the auxiliary table is unavailable for read-write access.

Rebuilding an index and thereby resetting the REBUILD-pending status invalidates the dynamic statement cache for the related table.

If you alter the data type of a column to a numeric data type, RECOVER INDEX cannot complete. You must rebuild the index.

Refer to the following table for information about resetting a REBUILD-pending status. This table lists the status name, abbreviation, affected objects, and any corrective actions.

Table 1. Resetting REBUILD-pending status
Status Abbreviation Object affected Corrective action Notes
REBUILD- pending RBDP Physical or logical index partition Run the REBUILD utility on the affected index partition.  
REBUILD- pending star RBDP* Logical partitions of nonpartitioned secondary indexes Run REBUILD INDEX PART or RECOVER utility on the affected logical partitions.  
Page set REBUILD- pending PSRBD Nonpartitioned secondary index, index on the auxiliary table Run REBUILD INDEX ALL, the RECOVER utility, or run REBUILD INDEX listing all indexes in the affected index space.  
REBUILD- pending RBDP, RBDP*, or PSRBD all The following actions also reset the REBUILD-pending status:
  • Use LOAD REPLACE for the table space or partition.
  • Use REPAIR SET INDEX with NORBDPEND on the index partition. Be aware that this does not correct the data inconsistency in the index partition. Use CHECK INDEX instead of REPAIR to verify referential integrity constraints.
  • Start the database that contains the index space with ACCESS FORCE. Be aware that this does not correct the data inconsistency in the index partition.
  • Run REORG INDEX SORTDATA on the affected index.