DB2 audit trace

The audit trace enables you to trace different events or categories of events by authorization IDs, object ownership, and so on.

When started, the audit trace records certain types of actions and sends the report to a named destination. The trace reports can indicate who has accessed data.

As with other types of DB2® traces, you can choose the following options for the audit trace:

  • Categories of events
  • Particular authorization IDs or plan IDs
  • Methods to start and stop the audit trace
  • Destinations for audit records

You can choose whether to audit the activity on a table by specifying an option of the CREATE and ALTER statements.

Audit trace classes

Table 1. Classes for DB2 audit trace
Class Description of class Activated IFCIDs
1 Access attempts denied due to inadequate authorization. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the audit trace. 0140
2 Explicit GRANT and REVOKE. 0141
3 CREATE, ALTER, and DROP operations against audited tables. 0142
4 First change of audited object. 0143
5 First read of audited object. 0144
6 Bind time information about SQL statements that involve audited objects. 0145
7 Assignment or change of authorization ID. 0055, 0083, 0087, 0169, 0319
8 Utilities. 0023, 0024, 0025, 0219, 0220
9 Installation-defined audit record. 146
Start of change10End of change Start of changeTrusted context information.End of change Start of change0269, 0270End of change
Start of change11End of change Start of changeAudits of successful access.End of change Start of change03611End of change
12 - 29 Reserved.  
30 - 32   Available for local use.  
  1. Start of changeIf IFCID 0361 is started through START TRACE, all successful access is traced. If IFCID 0361 is started because audit policy category SYSADMIN is on, only successful access using the SYSADMIN administrative authority is traced. If IFCID 0361 is started because audit policy category DBADMIN is on, only successful access using the DBADMIN administrative authority is traced.End of change