Annotation table (ARSANN)

This table maintains a catalog of annotations.

Table 1. Annotation table (ARSANN)
Column Name Data Type Description
id INTEGER User identifier
userid VARCHAR(128) User name
agid INTEGER Application group identifier
doc_name VARCHAR(11) Document name
doc_off INTEGER Document offset
doc_len INTEGER Document length
comp_off INTEGER Compression offset
comp_len INTEGER Compression length
time_stamp BIGINT (Db2®, SQL Server), INT (Oracle) Time annotation was created
page INTEGER Page (within document) on which annotation exists
type INTEGER Type of annotation
x_off INTEGER x offset on page
y_off INTEGER y offset on page
reserved VARCHAR(32) FOR BIT DATA (first byte is annotation color)
text_buf CLOB(32700) (Db2), VARCHAR(MAX) (SQL Server), CLOB (Oracle) The text of the annotation
ann_rowid INTEGER Annotation identifier
image_buf BLOB(1048576) (Db2), VARBINARY(MAX) (SQL Server), BLOB (Oracle) Any images that are attached to the annotation
table_name VARCHAR(18) Segment in which annotation exists
doc_exp_date BIGINT (Db2, SQL Server), INT (Oracle) Expiration date of document
doc_exp_dt TIMESTAMP (Db2, Oracle), DATETIME2(6) (SQL Server) Expiration date of document
time_stamp_dt TIMESTAMP (Db2, Oracle), DATETIME2(6) (SQL Server) Date and time annotation table was created or last modified
Table 2. Indexes for annotation table (ARSANN)
Index name Columns in index Type of index
arsann_idx agid, id, doc_name, doc_off, doc_len, comp_off, comp_len Cluster index for Db2; Index for Oracle and SQL Server