Application group to folder field mapping table (ARSAG2FOL)

This table maintains a catalog of mappings between application group fields and folder fields. This table also contains a catalog of applications within application groups that can be queried from a folder.

Table 1. Application group to folder field mapping table (ARSAG2FOL)
Column Name Data Type Description
fid INTEGER Folder identifier
agid INTEGER Application group identifier
aid INTEGER Application within the application group
folder_field SMALLINT Folder field identifier
appgrp_field1 SMALLINT Application group field identifier
appgrp_field2 SMALLINT Application group field identifier
Table 2. Indexes for application group to folder field mapping table (ARSAG2FOL)
Index name Columns in index Type of index
arsag2fol_idx fid, agid, aid, folder_field Unique cluster index for Db2; Unique index for Oracle and SQL Server