ODF distribution request table (ARSDFDRT)

This table maintains a catalog of distributions that have been scheduled for processing.

Table 1. Distribution request table (ARSDFDRT)
Column Name Data Type Description
DRT_RECIPIENT VARCHAR(60) Recipient name
DRT_DIST_NAME VARCHAR(60) Distribution name
DRT_ORIGINATOR VARCHAR(8) Identifier who scheduled the distribution
DRT_CREATE_DT TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the distribution request was created
DRT_PROCESS_DT TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the distribution request was processed
DRT_COMPLETE_DT TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the distribution request completed
DRT_STATUS INTEGER(4) Status of distribution request
DRT_CONT_ATTEMPTS INTEGER(4) Number of continuation attempts made
DRT_REPRINT INTEGER(4) Reprint indicator
Table 2. Indexes for distribution request table (ARSDFDRT)
Index name Columns in index Type of index
ARSDFDRT_IDX1 DRT_RECIPIENT, DRT_DIST_NAME Unique cluster index for Db2; Unique index for Oracle and SQL Server