Find objects in a report

You can quickly locate specific objects in a report by using Find.


  1. Click the More icon more icon.
  2. Click Find.
  3. Click Find what and choose the type of object to find.
  4. In the Options box, specify the search criteria.

    For example, if you want to find the objects that reference a specific data item, you must specify the query that contains the data item and the data item name.

  5. To search for objects that are hidden in the report, in the View box, select the Show hidden objects check box.
  6. Click Find All or Find Next.


All objects that meet the search criteria are listed under Results. The first object that meets the search criteria is highlighted in the list. Continue clicking Find Next to show all other objects that meet the search criteria.
Note: In some cases, such as searching for a data item that is used to define a conditional style, IBM® Cognos® Analytics - Reporting cannot directly select the object in the report. Instead, Reporting selects the object that uses the object for which you are searching.