Drilling through to another report

You can drill through from one report to another using the Mashup Service REST interface. You can get drill-through information from LDX and HTML outputs.

This example is based on a drill-through link from the source sample report Recruitment Report to the target sample report Positions to Fill, which are included in the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) package. See Sample drill-through definitions in LDX format for a description of the LDX elements that support drilling up and drilling down.

By default, reports returned in HTML format do not include drill-through information. Use the drillurls option to include drill-through information in the HTML output.

The equivalent HTML snippet for the drill-through definition for this report is as follows.

<td class="S50">
  <div style="display:none" class="ctx">102</div>
  <span class="S45" 
              package[@name='GO Data Warehouse (analysis)']/
              folder[@name='Reporting Report Samples']/
              report[@name='Positions to Fill']?p_Year selection=
              <![CDATA[[Employee recruitment].[Time].[Time].[Year]->[Time].[2011]]]>"}"
              >Days to fill

The drillDefinitions element contains a drill element that contains the search path (targetPath) of the report to drill through to and parameter name (name) to use in the prompt request.

To drill through to the Positions to Fill report, run a report using the targetPath value as the search path and including a prompt with a prompt name of pYear and a value of 2011.

The drillThrough JavaScript sample program illustrates the use of drill through.