Finding report parts

Using the Mashup Service you can work with individual report parts, as well as with complete reports. Report parts are named parts of a report specification. Names are automatically generated by Reporting for major pieces of a report (lists, crosstabs, charts, etc.) and users can name report parts in Reporting.

Use the ATOM feed for a report to get a list of report parts. The list includes the associated URLs of the report parts and this can be used during application development to determine which report parts should be extracted. The ATOM feed can also be used at runtime to offer a list of report parts to an application user, who can then select the desired output.

To get the ATOM feed for the sample report Public Folders > Samples > Models > GO Data Warehouse (analysis) > Reporting Report Samples > Employee Satisfaction 2006 submit the following URL to the IBM® Cognos® Analytics server.


The ATOM output for a report or report part contains information about the report or report part, followed by one or more atom:entry elements that contain information about, and links to, the report parts that make up the report or report part. The ATOM output contains standard ATOM elements as well as elements that are unique to the Mashup Service. See atom for a description of the Mashup Service-specific elements.

An annotated version of the ATOM output is shown here.

  <atom:title>Employee Satisfaction 2006</atom:title>
  <atom:link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="..."/>
  <atom:link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" href="..."/>
  <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/x-pagedldx+xml" href="..."/>
  <d:location>Public Folders > Samples > Models > GO Data Warehouse (analysis)
     > Reporting Report Samples > Employee Satisfaction 2006</d:location>
  <d:description>This report shows employee satisfaction survey results by department,
    compared to targets and industry standards. It also shows employee
    rankings and terminations.</d:description>
    <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"
    <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/x-ldx+xml"
    <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/x-pagedldx+xml"
    <cm:location>Public Folders > Samples > Models > GO Data Warehouse (analysis)
           > Reporting Report Samples > Employee Satisfaction 2006 > Page1</cm:location>

The ATOM feed contains a lot of information about the report, including its name, summary description, author, location, and the URLs to run the report using the pagedReportData and reportData REST resources. The atom:entry elements provide information about the report parts contained in this report. In particular, the <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="..."/> elements can be used to recursively obtain the ATOM feed for each report part. This procedure can be repeated until the ATOM feed provides atom:entry elements for the base report parts of the report. An example is shown here.

  <atom:link rel="thumbnail" type="image/gif" href="http://localhost:80/ibmcognos/bi/v1/disp
  <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/x-ldx+xml" href="http://localhost:80
  <atom:link rel="alternate" type="application/x-pagedldx+xml"
  <cm:location>Public Folders > Samples > Models > GO Data Warehouse (analysis)
      > Reporting Report Samples > Employee Satisfaction 2006
      > Combination Chart - survey topic scores by department</cm:location>
  <d:partID>Combination Chart - survey topic scores by department</d:partID>

The atom JavaScript sample program illustrates the use of ATOM feeds to identify report parts and view their Mashup Service HTML output.