Customization samples

Customization samples are available that demonstrate how to create themes, extensions, and views. You can modify these samples to create your own customizations.

These sample files are installed with the product in an Easy Installation, and are an option in a Custom Installation. After product installation, you can find them in the installation_location/samples/ folder.

The customization samples are described in the following topics.

Using the samples

The customization samples illustrate how to implement commonly used customizations. You can view the sample code and modify it to create customizations for your users. To examine the contents of a customization sample, extract the .zip file. Each sample contains a spec.json file that contains the logic for the customization. There can also be other files or folders that contain image files, JavaScript files, and HTML files, depending on the customization.

To upload and use a sample theme or extension, follow the instructions in Applying themes, extensions, and views.