ThirdPartyCertificateTool commands and examples

Some tasks use a command-line tool named ThirdPartyCertificateTool. The following tables list the options for this command-line tool.

ThirdPartyCertificateTool commands

Table 1. Main operation mode
Command Description


Creates a certificate signing request (CSR).


Imports a certificate.


Exports a certificate.

Table 2. Operation modifiers
Command Description


Work with the crypto identity.


Work with the truststore (used only with -i and -E).

Table 3. Information flags
Command Description


Distinguished name (DN) to use for certificate.


CSR or certificate file location (depends on mode).


Certificate authority chain file. Can be either PEM, binary PKCS#7 CA certificate chain, or a single DER-format CA certificate.


Keystore password. If -p is not included, NoPassWordSet is used as a default password.


Key pair algorithm: RSA. RSA is the default value.


Creates a CA keystore that includes the certificate authorities that are trusted by the current JRE.


Sets the CA truststore to use the NIST SP800-131a standard.


Restores non-NIST SP800-131a certificates back to the truststore.

The sample values from the following table are used:

Table 4. Sample values
Property Value

Encryption certificate DN

A unique value, formatted as:


Keystore password

The default password: NoPassWordSet

This value must match the passwords in IBM® Cognos® Configuration under Security > Cryptography > Cognos. If you change the default values for Signing key store password, Encryption key store password, and Certificate Authority key store password, ensure you use the passwords that you set.

ThirdPartyCertificateTool examples

Table 5. ThirdPartyCertificateTool examples
Example Command

To create a new crypto keypair and PKCS#10 CSR:

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -c -e -d cn=Me,o=MyCompany,c=CA -r crypto.csr -a RSA -p password

To import the third party CA generated crypto certificate and PKCS#7 CA certificate chain:

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -i -e -r crypto.cer -p password -t cacert.p7b

To import the third party CA generated crypto certificate and PEM CA certificate chain:

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -i -e -r crypto.cer -p password -t cacert.pem

To add ca.cer as a trusted certificate:

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -i -T -r ca.cer -p password -t cacert.cer

To export the crypto certificate to crypto.cer:

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -E -e -r crypto.cer -p password

To export the IBM Cognos CA certificate to ca.cer (when NOT using a third party CA):

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -E -T -r ca.cer -p password
To remove all non-NIST SP800-131a CA certificates, and set CA trust store to NIST SP800-131a standard: ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -N -p password
To restore JRE non-NIST SP800-131a certificates back to CA trust store: ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -R -p password