WebSphere PMI Attribute Mapping

The following tables show how the data displayed in the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics resource workspaces map to their corresponding WebSphere® PMI categories and their attributes. It also provides the monitoring overhead incurred when turning on these attributes.

By default, ITCAM changes the PMI collection level based on its monitoring level. See the Advanced configuration of the Agent chapter of ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications Installation and Configuration Guide to learn more about this behavior and how to turn it off for custom monitoring.

TEP Console Workspace Columns to WebSphere PMI Attribute Mapping

Table 1. TEP Console Workspace Columns to WebSphere PMI Attribute Mapping.

TEP Console Workspace Columns to WebSphere PMI Attribute Mapping

AppServer--High Availability Manager ITM Table Name: KYNHAMGMT      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: HAManager      
Local Groups LocalGroupCount LocalGroupCount All High
Group State Rebuild Time GroupStateRebuildTime GroupStateRebuildTime All High
Bulletin-Board Subjects BulletinBoardSubjectCount BulletinBoardSubjectCount All High
Bulletin-Board Subscriptions BulletinBoardSubcriptionCount BulletinBoardSubcriptionCount All High
Bulletin-Board Rebuild Time BulletinBoardRebuildTime BulletinBoardRebuildTime All High
Local Bulletin-Board Subjects LocalBulletinBoardSubjectCount LocalBulletinBoardSubjectCount All High
AppServer-DCS Stacks ITM Table Name: KYNDCSSTK      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: DCS Statistics      
Message Buffer Reallocations MessageBufferReallocationCount MessageBufferReallocationCount All Medium
Sent Messages SentMessageCount SentMessageCount All High
Average Outgoing Message Size OutgoingMessageSize OutgoingMessageSize All High
Minimum Outgoing Message Size OutgoingMessageSize OutgoingMessageSize All High
Maximum Outgoing Message Size OutgoingMessageSize OutgoingMessageSize All High
Outgoing Messages SentMessageCount SentMessageCount All High
Average Incoming Message Size IncomingMessageSize IncomingMessageSize All High
Minimum Incoming Message Size IncomingMessageSize IncomingMessageSize All High
Maximum Incoming Message Size IncomingMessageSize IncomingMessageSize All High
Incoming Messages ReceivedMessageCount ReceivedMessageCount All High
Synchronization Completion Time SynchronizationCompleteTime SynchronizationCompleteTime All High
Synchronization Timeouts SynchronizationTimeoutCount SynchronizationTimeoutCount All Medium
High Severity Congestion Events HighSeverityCongestionEventCount HighSeverityCongestionEventCount All Medium
Coalesce Time CoalesceTime CoalesceTime All Medium
Join View Change Time JoinViewChangeTime JoinViewChangeTime All High
Remove View Change Time RemoveViewChangeTime RemoveViewChangeTime All High
Suspicions SuspicionCount SuspicionCount All High
View Changes ViewChangeCount ViewChangeCount All Medium
Group Size ViewGroupSize ViewGroupSize All Medium
Web Applications ITM Table Name: KYNAPP      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Web Applications      
Request Count RequestCount (Servlet Info) RequestCount (Servlet Info) Basic Low
Request Rate (per sec) RequestCount RequestCount Basic Low
Error Count ErrorCount (Servlet Info) ErrorCount (Servlet Info) Extended Low
Error Rate (per sec) ErrorCount (Servlet Info) ErrorCount (Servlet Info) Extended Low
Average Response Time (ms) ServiceTime (Servlet Info) ServiceTime (Servlet Info) Basic Medium
Average Concurrent Requests ConcurrentRequests (Servlet Info) ConcurrentRequests (Servlet Info) Extended High
Servlets Loaded LoadedServletCount LoadedServletCount All Low
Servlets Reloaded ReloadCount ReloadCount All Low
WebApplications --ServletSessions ITM Table Name: KYNSERVS      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Servlet Session Manager      
Sessions Created CreateCount CreateCount All Low
Session Creation Rate (per sec) CreateCount CreateCount All Low
Sessions Invalidated InvalidateCount InvalidateCount All Low
Session Invalidation Rate (per sec) InvalidateCount InvalidateCount All Low
Average Session Lifetime (ms) LifeTime LifeTime Extended Medium
Average Concurrently Active Sessions ActiveCount ActiveCount All High
Average Concurrently Live Sessions LiveCount LiveCount Basic High
Failed Session Requests NoRoomForNewSessionCount NoRoomForNewSessionCount Extended Low
Failed Session Request Rate (per sec) NoRoomForNewSessionCount NoRoomForNewSessionCount Extended Low
Cache Discards CacheDiscardCount CacheDiscardCount All Low
Cache Discard Rate (per sec) CacheDiscardCount CacheDiscardCount All Low
External Read Time (ms) ExternalReadTime ExternalReadTime Extended Medium
External Read Size (bytes) ExternalReadSize ExternalReadSize Extended Medium
External Write Time (ms) ExternalWriteTime ExternalWriteTime Extended Medium
External Write Size (bytes) ExternalWriteSize ExternalWriteSize Extended Medium
Broken Session Affinities AffinityBreakCount AffinityBreakCount All Low
Broken Session Affinity Rate (per sec) AffinityBreakCount AffinityBreakCount All Low
Time since Last Activated TimeSinceLastActivated TimeSinceLastActivated All Medium
Nonexistent Session Requests ActivateNonExistSessionCount ActivateNonExistSessionCount All Low
Nonexistent Session Request Rate (per sec) ActivateNonExistSessionCount ActivateNonExistSessionCount All Low
Total Serializable Session Object Size (bytes) SessionObjectSize SessionObjectSize All Max
Average Serializable Session Object Size (bytes) SessionObjectSize SessionObjectSize All Max
Min Serializable Session Object Size (bytes) SessionObjectSize SessionObjectSize All Max
Max Serializable Session Object Size (bytes) SessionObjectSize SessionObjectSize All Max
EJB Containers ITM Table Name: KYNCONTNR      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Enterprise Beans      
Method Average Response Time (ms) MethodResponseTime MethodResponseTime Basic High
Method Invocation Count MethodCallCount MethodCallCount Basic High
Method Invocation Rate (per sec) MethodCallCount MethodCallCount Basic High
Create Average Time (ms) CreateTime CreateTime All Max
Remove Average Time (ms) RemoveTime RemoveTime All Max
Average Concurrently Ready Beans ReadyCount ReadyCount Basic Low
Average Concurrently Live Beans LiveCount LiveCount Extended High
Active Method Count ActiveMethodCount ActiveMethodCount All High
Create Count CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Creation Rate (per sec) CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Remove Count RemoveCount RemoveCount Basic Low
Removal Rate per sec) RemoveCount RemoveCount Basic Low
Activate Count ActivateCount ActivateCount All Low
Activation Rate (per sec) ActivateCount ActivateCount All Low
Passivate Count PassivateCount PassivateCount Basic Low
Passivation Rate (per sec) PassivateCount PassivateCount Basic Low
Entity Bean Load Count LoadCount LoadCount All Low
Entity Bean Load Rate (per sec) LoadCount LoadCount All Low
Entity Bean Store Count StoreCount StoreCount All Low
Entity Bean Store Rate (per sec) StoreCount StoreCount All Low
Instantiate Count InstantiateCount InstantiateCount All Low
Instantiation Rate (per sec) InstantiateCount InstantiateCount All Low
Destroy Count FreedCount FreedCount All Low
Destruction Rate (per sec) FreedCount FreedCount All Low
EJB Containers ---Enterprise Java™ Beans ITM Table Name: KYNEJB      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Enterprise Beans      
Method Invocations MethodCallCount MethodCallCount Basic High
Method Invocation Rate (per sec) MethodCallCount MethodCallCount Basic High
Method Average Response Time (ms) MethodResponseTime MethodResponseTime Basic High
Create Count CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Creation Rate (per sec) CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Create Average Time (ms) CreateTime CreateTime All Max
Remove Count RemoveCount RemoveCount Basic Low
Removal Rate (per sec) RemoveCount RemoveCount Basic Low
Remove Average Time (ms) RemoveTime RemoveTime All Max
Activate Count ActivateCount ActivateCount All Low
Activation Rate (per sec) ActivateCount ActivateCount All Low
Passivate Count PassivateCount PassivateCount All Low
Passivation Rate PassivateCount PassivateCount All Low
Entity Bean Load Count LoadCount LoadCount All Low
Entity Bean Load Rate (per sec) LoadCount LoadCount All Low
Entity Bean Store Count StoreCount StoreCount All Low
Entity Bean Store Rate (per sec) StoreCount StoreCount All Low
Instantiate Count InstantiateCount InstantiateCount All Low
Destroy Count FreedCount FreedCount All Low
Destruction Rate (per sec) FreedCount FreedCount All Low
Find Count RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount All Low
Find Rate (per sec) RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount All Low
Get Count RetrieveFromPoolCount RetrieveFromPoolCount All Low
Get Rate (per sec) RetrieveFromPoolCount RetrieveFromPoolCount All Low
Return Count ReturnsToPoolCount ReturnsToPoolCount Extended Low
Return Rate (per sec) ReturnsToPoolCount ReturnsToPoolCount Extended Low
Discard Count ReturnsDiscardCount ReturnsDiscardCount Extended Low
Discard Rate (per sec) ReturnsDiscardCount ReturnsDiscardCount Extended Low
Drain Count DrainsFromPoolCount DrainsFromPoolCount All Low
Drain Rate (per sec) DrainsFromPoolCount DrainsFromPoolCount All Low
Average Concurrently Ready Beans ReadyCount ReadyCount Basic High
Average Concurrently Live Beans LiveCount LiveCount Extended High
Active Method Count ActiveMethodCount ActiveMethodCount All High
Average Objects Discarded DrainSize DrainSize All Medium
Average Objects in Pool PooledCount PooledCount Basic High
EJB Containers ---Container Transactions ITM Table Name: KYNTRANS      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Transaction Manager      
Global Transactions Begun GlobalBegunCount GlobalBegunCount Extended Low
Global Transactions Begin Rate (per sec) GlobalBegunCount GlobalBegunCount Extended Low
Local Transactions Begun LocalBegunCount LocalBegunCount Extended Low
Local Transactions Begin Rate (per sec) LocalBegunCount LocalBegunCount Extended Low
Global Transactions Active ActiveCount ActiveCount Basic Low
Local Transactions Active LocalActiveCount LocalActiveCount All Low
Global Transactions Committed CommittedCount CommittedCount Basic Low
Global Transaction Commit Rate (per sec) CommittedCount CommittedCount Basic Low
Local Transactions Committed LocalCommittedCount LocalCommittedCount All Low
Local Transaction Commit Rate (per sec) LocalCommittedCount LocalCommittedCount All Low
Global Transactions Rolled Back RolledbackCount RolledbackCount Basic Low
Global Transaction Rollback Rate (per sec) RolledbackCount RolledbackCount Basic Low
Local Transactions Rolled Back LocalRolledbackCount LocalRolledbackCount All Low
Local Transaction Rollback Rate (per sec) LocalRolledbackCount LocalRolledbackCount All Low
Global Transaction Timeouts GlobalTimeoutCount GlobalTimeoutCount Extended Low
Global Transaction Timeout Rate (per sec) GlobalTimeoutCount GlobalTimeoutCount Extended Low
Local Transaction Timeouts LocalTimeoutCount LocalTimeoutCount Extended Low
Local Transaction Timeout Rate (per sec) LocalTimeoutCount LocalTimeoutCount Extended Low
Global Transactions Optimized OptimizationCount OptimizationCount All Low
Global Transaction Optimize Rate (per sec) CommittedCount CommittedCount Basic Low
Global Transactions Involved GlobalInvolvedCount GlobalInvolvedCount All Low
Global Transactions Involve Rate (per sec) GlobalInvolvedCount GlobalInvolvedCount All Low
Global Transaction Duration (ms) GlobalTranTime GlobalTranTime Extended Medium
Local Transaction Duration (ms) LocalTranTime LocalTranTime Extended Medium
Global Transaction before Completion Duration (ms) GlobalBeforeCompletionTime GlobalBeforeCompletionTime All Medium
Local Transaction before Completion Duration (ms) LocalBeforeCompletionTime LocalBeforeCompletionTime All Medium
Global Transaction Commit Duration (ms) GlobalCommitTime GlobalCommitTime All Medium
Local Transaction Commit Duration (ms) LocalCommitTime LocalCommitTime All Medium
Global Transaction Prepare Duration (ms) GlobalPrepareTime GlobalPrepareTime All Medium
EJB Containers ---Container Object Pools ITM Table Name: KYNCNTROP      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
Average Objects in Pool PooledCount PooledCount Basic High
Average Objects Discarded DrainSize DrainSize All Medium
Find Count RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount All Low
Find Rate RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount All Low
Get Count RetrieveFromPoolCount RetrieveFromPoolCount All Low
Get Rate RetrieveFromPoolCount RetrieveFromPoolCount All Low
Return Count ReturnsToPoolCount ReturnsToPoolCount Extended Low
Return Rate ReturnsToPoolCount ReturnsToPoolCount Extended Low
Discard Count ReturnsDiscardCount ReturnsDiscardCount Extended Low
Discard Rate ReturnsDiscardCount ReturnsDiscardCount Extended Low
Drain Count DrainsFromPoolCount DrainsFromPoolCount All Low
Drain Rate DrainsFromPoolCount DrainsFromPoolCount All Low
DB Connection Pools ITM Table Name: KYNDBCONP      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: JDBC Connection Pools      
Maximum Pool Size PoolSize PoolSize Basic High
Average Pool Size PoolSize PoolSize Basic High
Average Waiting Threads WaitingThreadCount WaitingThreadCount Basic High
Average Wait Time (ms) WaitTime WaitTime Basic Medium
Average Usage Time (ms) UseTime UseTime Basic Medium
Average Free Pool Size FreePoolSize FreePoolSize Basic High
JDBC Time(ms) JDBCTime JDBCTime Extended Medium
Percent Used PercentUsed PercentUsed Basic High
Percent of Time Pool at Max PercentMaxed PercentMaxed All High
Connections Created CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Connection Creation Rate (per sec) CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Connections Allocated AllocateCount AllocateCount Extended Low
Connection Allocation Rate (per sec) AllocateCount AllocateCount Extended Low
Connections Destroyed CloseCount CloseCount Basic Low
Connection Destruction Rate (per sec) CloseCount CloseCount Basic Low
Threads Timed Out FaultCount FaultCount Extended Low
Thread Timeout Rate (per sec) FaultCount FaultCount Extended Low
Prep Statement Cache Discards PrepStmtCacheDiscardCount PrepStmtCacheDiscardCount Extended Low
Prep Statement Cache Discard Rate (per sec) PrepStmtCacheDiscardCount PrepStmtCacheDiscardCount Extended Low
Return Count ReturnCount ReturnCount Extended Low
Return Rate(per sec) ReturnCount ReturnCount Extended Low
J2C Connection Pools ITM Table Name: KYNJ2C      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: J2C Connection Pools      
Maximum Pool Size PoolSize PoolSize Basic High
Average Pool Size PoolSize PoolSize Basic High
Average Free Connections FreePoolSize FreePoolSize Basic High
Connections Used ManagedConnectionCount ManagedConnectionCount All Low
Connection Handles ConnectionHandleCount ConnectionHandleCount All Low
Average Wait Time (ms) WaitTime WaitTime Basic Medium
Concurrent Waiting Threads WaitingThreadCount WaitingThreadCount Basic High
Average Usage Time (ms) UseTime UseTime Basic Medium
Pool Used (%) PercentUsed PercentUsed All High
Percent of Time Pool at Max PercentMaxed PercentMaxed All High
Connections Created CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Connection Creation Rate (per sec) CreateCount CreateCount Basic Low
Connections Allocated AllocateCount AllocateCount All Low
Connection Allocation Rate (per sec) AllocateCount AllocateCount All Low
Connections Returned FreedCount FreedCount All Low
Connection Return Rate (per sec) FreedCount FreedCount All Low
Connections Destroyed CloseCount CloseCount Basic Low
Connection Destruction Rate (per sec) CloseCount CloseCount Basic Low
Connection Pool Timeouts FaultCount FaultCount All Low
Connection Pool Timeout Rate (per sec) FaultCount FaultCount All Low
Thread Pools Table Name: KYNTHRDP      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Thread Pools      
Maximum Pool Size PoolSize PoolSize Basic High
Average Pool Size PoolSize PoolSize Basic High
Average Active Threads ActiveCount ActiveCount Extended High
Average Free Threads PoolSize - ActiveCount PoolSize - ActiveCount Extended High
Percent of Time Pool at Max PercentMaxed PercentMaxed All High
Threads Created CreateCount CreateCount All Low
Thread Creation Rate (per sec) CreateCount CreateCount All Low
Threads Destroyed DestroyCount DestroyCount All Low
Thread Destruction Rate (per sec) DestroyCount DestroyCount All Low
Thread Pools ---Alarm Manager ITM Table Name: KYNALARMM      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Alarm Manager      
Alarms Cancelled AlarmsCancelledCount AlarmsCancelledCount All High
Alarms Latency Duration AlarmLatencyDuration AlarmLatencyDuration All High
Alarms Rate AlarmRate AlarmRate All High
Alarms Created AlarmsCreatedCount AlarmsCreatedCount All High
Alarms Fired AlarmsFiredCount AlarmsFiredCount All High
Alarms Pending Size AlarmsPendingSize AlarmsPendingSize All High
Dynamic Cache ITM Table Name: KYNCACHE      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Dynamic Caching      
Maximum In-Memory Cache Size MaxInMemoryCacheEntryCount MaxInMemoryCacheEntryCount All Low
Current In-Memory Cache Size InMemoryCacheEntryCount InMemoryCacheEntryCount All Low
In-Memory and Disk Timeouts TimeoutInvalidationCount TimeoutInvalidationCount All Low
In-Memory and Disk Timeout Rate (per sec) TimeoutInvalidationCount TimeoutInvalidationCount All Low
Dynamic Cache Templates ITM Table Name: KYNCACHT      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Templates      
Current Cache Size InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntry Count InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntry Count All Low
Disk Hits HitsOnDiskCount HitsOnDiskCount All Low
Disk Hit Rate(per sec) HitsOnDiskCount HitsOnDiskCount All Low
Memory Hits HitsInMemoryCount HitsInMemoryCount Extended Low
Memory Hit Rate(per sec) HitsInMemoryCount HitsInMemoryCount Extended Low
Remote Hits RemoteHitCount RemoteHitCount All Low
Remote Hit Rate(per sec) RemoteHitCount RemoteHitCount All Low
Cache Misses MissCount MissCount Extended Low
Cache Miss Rate(per sec) MissCount MissCount Extended Low
Remote Cache Entries Received RemoteCreationCount RemoteCreationCount All Low
Remote Cache Entry Receive Rate(per sec) RemoteCreationCount RemoteCreationCount All Low
Client Requests ClientRequestCount ClientRequestCount All Low
Client Request Rate(per sec) ClientRequestCount ClientRequestCount All Low
Cluster Requests DistributedRequestCount DistributedRequestCount All Low
Cluster Request Rate(per sec) DistributedRequestCount DistributedRequestCount All Low
Total Explicit Invalidations ExplicitInvalidationCount ExplicitInvalidationCount All Low
Total Explicit Invalidation Rate(per sec) ExplicitInvalidationCount ExplicitInvalidationCount All Low
Timeout Invalidations TimeoutInvalidationCount TimeoutInvalidationCount All Low
Timeout Invalidation Rate(per sec) TimeoutInvalidationCount TimeoutInvalidationCount All Low
Least Recently Used Invalidations LruInvalidationCount LruInvalidationCount All Low
Least Recently Used Invalidation Rate(per sec) LruInvalidationCount LruInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Memory Invalidations ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Memory Invalidation Rate(per sec) ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Disk Invalidations ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Disk Invalidations Rate(per sec) ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Local Invalidations LocalExplicitInvalidationCount LocalExplicitInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Local Invalidation Rate(per sec) LocalExplicitInvalidationCount LocalExplicitInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Remote Invalidations RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount All Low
Explicit Remote Invalidation Rate(per sec) RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount All Low
Workload Management Client ITM Table Name: KYNWLMCL      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Workload Management client      
Outgoing Requests OutgoingIIOPRequestCount OutgoingIIOPRequestCount All Low
Outgoing Request Rate (per sec) OutgoingIIOPRequestCount OutgoingIIOPRequestCount All Low
Client Cluster Updates ClientClusterUpdateCount ClientClusterUpdateCount All Low
Client Cluster Update Rate (per sec) ClientClusterUpdateCount ClientClusterUpdateCount All Low
Client Response Time ClientResponseTime ClientResponseTime All Medium
Workload Management Server ITM Table Name: KYNWLMSR      
    WebSphere PMI Level  
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Workload Management server      
Incoming Requests IIOPRequestCount IIOPRequestCount Extended Low
Incoming Request Rate (per sec) IIOPRequestCount IIOPRequestCount Extended Low
Incoming Strong Affinity Requests StrongAffinityIIOPRequestCount StrongAffinityIIOPRequestCount All Low
Incoming Strong Affinity Request Rate (per sec) StrongAffinityIIOPRequestCount StrongAffinityIIOPRequestCount All Low
Incoming Nonaffinity Requests NoAffinityIIOPRequestCount NoAffinityIIOPRequestCount All Low
Incoming Nonaffinity Request Rate (per sec) NoAffinityIIOPRequestCount NoAffinityIIOPRequestCount All Low
Incoming Non-WLM Object Requests NonWLMEnabledIIOPRequestCount NonWLMEnabledIIOPRequestCount All Low
Incoming Non-WLM Object Request Rate (per sec) NonWLMEnabledIIOPRequest Count NonWLMEnabledIIOPRequestCount All Low
Server Cluster Updates ServerClusterUpdateCount ServerClusterUpdateCount All Low
Server Cluster Update Rate (per sec) ServerClusterUpdateCount ServerClusterUpdateCount All Low
WLM Clients Serviced WLMClientsServicedCount WLMClientsServicedCount All Low
WLM Clients Serviced Rate (per sec) WLMClientsServicedCount WLMClientsServicedCount All Low
Concurrent Requests ConcurrentRequestCount ConcurrentRequestCount Extended High
Server Response Time (ms) ServerResponseTime ServerResponseTime Extended Medium
Scheduler ITM Table Name: KYNSCHED      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Schedulers      
Poll Count PollCount PollCount All High
Poll Duration PollDuration PollDuration All High
Poll Query Duration PollQueryDuration PollQueryDuration All High
Run Duration RunDuration RunDuration All High
Task Collision Rate TaskCollisionRate TaskCollisionRate All High
Task Delay Duration TaskDelayDuration TaskDelayDuration All High
Task Expiration Rate TaskExpirationRate TaskExpirationRate All High
Task Failure Count TaskFailureCount TaskFailureCount All High
Task Finish Count TaskFinishCount TaskFinishCount All High
Task Finish Rate TaskFinishRate TaskFinishRate All High
Task Run Rate TaskRunRate TaskRunRate All High
Web Services ITM Table Name: KYNWEBSVC      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Web services      
Received Requests ReceivedRequestCount ReceivedRequestCount All Low
Dispatched Requests DispatchedRequestCount DispatchedRequestCount All Low
Processed Requests ProcessedRequestCount ProcessedRequestCount All Low
Response Time ResponseTime ResponseTime All High
Request Response Time RequestResponseTime RequestResponseTime All Medium
Dispatch Response Time DispatchResponseTime DispatchResponseTime All Medium
Reply Response Time ReplyResponseTime ReplyResponseTime All Medium
Payload Size PayloadSize PayloadSize All Medium
Reply Payload Size ReplyPayloadSize ReplyPayloadSize All Medium
Request Payload Size RequestPayloadSize RequestPayloadSize All Medium
WebServices Gateway ITM Table Name: KYNWEBSGW      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Web services Gateway      
Synchronous Requests SynchronousRequestCount SynchronousRequestCount All Low
Synchronous Responses SynchronousResponseCount SynchronousResponseCount All Low
Asynchronous Requests AsynchronousRequestCount AsynchronousRequestCount All Low
Asynchronous Responses AsynchronousResponseCount AsynchronousResponseCount All Low
Messaging Engines ITM Table Name: KYNMSGENG      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines      
Average Local Wait Time (ms) LocalMessageWaitTime LocalMessageWaitTime All Low
Expired Messages ReportEnabledMessagesExpiredCount ReportEnabledMessagesExpiredCount All Low
Incomplete Topic Publications IncompletePublicationCount IncompletePublicationCount All Low
Total Published TotalMessagesPublishedCount TotalMessagesPublishedCount All Low
Client Communications ITM Table Name: KYNCLICOM      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: Standard Statistics      
Clients Attached ClientsAttachedCount ClientsAttached All Low
API Connections APIConnectionsCount APIConnections All Low
Errors ErrorsCount Errors All Low
Writes WritesCount Writes All Low
Reads ReadsCount Reads All Low
Writes Blocked WritesBlockedCount WritesBlocked All Low
Reads Blocked ReadsBlockedCount ReadsBlocked All Low
Multicast Write (bytes) MulticastWriteBytesCount MulticastWriteBytes All Low
Multicast Send Messages MulticastSendMessageCount MulticastSendMessage All Low
Buffered Write (bytes) BufferedWriteBytesCount BufferedWriteBytes All Low
Buffered Read (bytes) BufferedReadBytesCount BufferedReadBytes All Low
Message Written (bytes) MessagesBytesWrittenCount ClientStats.MessageBytesWritten All Low
Message Read (bytes) MessageBytesReadCount MessageBytesRead All Low
Total Written (bytes) TotalBytesWrittenCount TotalBytesWritten All Low
Total Read (bytes) TotalBytesReadCount TotalBytesRead All Low
  Category: Detailed Statistics      
Sent at Highest Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtHighestPriorityCount BytesSentAtHighestPriority All Low
Sent at Very High Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtVeryHighPriorityCount BytesSentAtVeryHighPriority All Low
Sent at High Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtHighPriorityCount BytesSentAtHighPriority All Low
Sent at JMS 9 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS9PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS9Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 8 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS8PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS8Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 7 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS7PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS7Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 6 Priority BytesSentAtJMS6PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS6Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 5 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS5PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS5Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 4 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS4PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS4Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 3 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS3PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS3Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 2 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS2PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS2Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 1 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS1PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS1Priority All Low
Sent at JMS 0 Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtJMS0PriorityCount BytesSentAtJMS0Priority All Low
Sent at Low Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtLowPriorityCount BytesSentAtLowPriority All Low
Sent at Very Low Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtVeryLowPriorityCount BytesSentAtVeryLowPriority All Low
Sent at Lowest Priority (bytes) BytesSentAtLowestPriorityCount BytesSentAtLowestPriority All Low
Received at Highest Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtHighestPriorityCount BytesReceivedAtHighestPriority All Low
Received at Very High Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtVeryHighPriority Count BytesReceivedAtVeryHighPriority All Low
Received at High Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtHighPriorityCount BytesReceivedAtHighPriority All Low
Received at JMS 9 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS9PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS9Priority All Low
Received at JMS 8 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS8PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS8Priority All Low
Received at JMS 7 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS7PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS7Priority All Low
Received at JMS 6 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS6PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS6Priority All Low
Received at JMS 5 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS5PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS5Priority All Low
Received at JMS 4 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS4PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS4Priority All Low
Received at JMS 3 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS3PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS3Priority All Low
Received at JMS 2 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS2PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS2Priority All Low
Received at JMS 1 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS1PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS1Priority All Low
Received at JMS 0 Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtJMS0PriorityCount BytesReceivedAtJMS0Priority All Low
Received at Low Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtLowPriorityCount BytesReceivedAtLowPriority All Low
Received at Very Low Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtVeryLowPriority Count BytesReceivedAtVeryLowPriority All Low
Received at Lowest Priority (bytes) BytesReceivedAtLowestPriorityCount BytesReceivedAtLowestPriority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 9 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS9PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS9Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 8 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS8PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS8Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 7 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS7PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS7Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 6 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS6PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS6Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 5 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS5PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS5Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 4 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS4PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS4Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 3 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS3PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS3Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 2 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS2PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS2Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 1 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS1PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS1Priority All Low
Messages Sent at JMS 0 Priority MessagesSentAtJMS0PriorityCount MessagesSentAtJMS0Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 9 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS9Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS9Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 8 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS8Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS8Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 7 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS7Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS7Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 6 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS6Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS6Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 5 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS5Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS5Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 4 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS4Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS4Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 3 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS3Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS3Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 2 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS2Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS2Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 1 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS1Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS1Priority All Low
Messages Received at JMS 0 Priority MessagesReceivedAtJMS0Priority Count MessagesReceivedAtJMS0Priority All Low
Messaging Engine Communications ITM Table Name: KYNMECOM      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: SIB Communications > Messaging Engines > Standard Statistics      
Messaging Engine Attached MEAttachedCount MEAttached All Low
API Connections APIConnectionsCount APIConnections All Low
Errors ErrorsCount Errors All Low
Writes WritesCount Writes All Low
Reads ReadsCount Reads All Low
Writes Blocked WritesBlockedCount WritesBlocked All Low
Reads Blocked ReadsBlockedCount ReadsBlocked All Low
Buffered Write (bytes) BufferedWriteBytesCount BufferedWriteBytes All Low
Buffered Reads (bytes) BufferedReadBytesCount BufferedReadBytes All Low
Message Written (bytes) MessageBytesWrittenCount MessageBytesWritten All Low
Message Read (bytes) MessageBytesReadCount MessageBytesRead All Low
Total Written (bytes) TotalBytesWrittenCount TotalBytesWritten All Low
Total Read (bytes) TotalBytesReadCount TotalBytesRead All Low
Durable Subscriptions ITM Table Name: KYNDURSUB      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > Destinations > Topicspaces > Durable Subscriptions      
Available Message AvailableMessageCount AvailableMessageCount All Low
Total Messages Consumed TotalMessagesConsumedCount TotalMessagesConsumedCount All Low
Best Effort Non-persistent Messages Consumed BestEffortNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount BestEffortNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Express® Non-persistent Messages Consumed ExpressNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount ExpressNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Reliable Non-persistent Messages Consumed ReliableNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount ReliableNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Reliable Persistent Messages Consumed ReliablePersistentMessages ConsumedCount ReliablePersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Assured Persistent Messages Consumed AssuredPersistentMessages ConsumedCount AssuredPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Aggregate Message Wait Time AggregateMessageWaitTime AggregateMessageWaitTime All High
Local Message Wait Time LocalMessageWaitTime LocalMessageWaitTime All High
Local Oldest Message Age LocalOldestPublicationAge LocalOldestPublicationAge All Max
Queue ITM Table Name: KYNMSGQUE      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > Destinations > Queues      
Available Message AvailableMessageCount AvailableMessageCount All Low
Unavailable Message UnavailableMessageCount UnavailableMessageCount All Low
Local Producer Attaches LocalProducerAttachesCount LocalProducerAttachesCount All Low
Local Producer LocalProducerCount LocalProducerCount All Low
Local Consumer Attaches LocalConsumerAttachesCount LocalConsumerAttachesCount All Low
Local Consumer LocalConsumerCount LocalConsumerCount All Low
Total Messages Produced TotalMessagesProducedCount TotalMessagesProducedCount All Low
Best Effort Non-persistent Messages Produced BestEffortNonPersistentMessages ProducedCount BestEffortNonPersistentMessages ProducedCount All Low
Express Non-persistent Messages Produced ExpressNonPersistentMessages ProducedCount ExpressNonPersistentMessages ProducedCount All Low
Reliable Non-persistent Messages Produced ReliableNonPersistentMessages ProducedCount ReliableNonPersistentMessages ProducedCount All Low
Reliable Persistent Messages Produced ReliablePersistentMessages ProducedCount ReliablePersistentMessages ProducedCount All Low
Assured Persistent Messages Produced AssuredPersistentMessages ProducedCount AssuredPersistentMessages ProducedCount All Low
Total Messages Consumed TotalMessagesConsumedCount TotalMessagesConsumedCount All Low
Best Effort Non-persistent Messages Consumed BestEffortNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount BestEffortNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Express Non-persistent Messages Consumed ExpressNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount ExpressNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Reliable Non-persistent Messages Consumed ReliableNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount ReliableNonPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Reliable Persistent Messages Consumed ReliablePersistentMessages ConsumedCount ReliablePersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Assured Persistent Messages Consumed AssuredPersistentMessages ConsumedCount AssuredPersistentMessages ConsumedCount All Low
Report Enabled Messages Expired ReportEnabledMessages ExpiredCount ReportEnabledMessages ExpiredCount All Low
Aggregate Message Wait Time AggregateMessageWaitTime AggregateMessageWaitTime All Low
Local Message Wait Time LocalMessageWaitTime LocalMessageWaitTime All Low
Local Oldest Message Age LocalOldestMessageAge LocalOldestMessageAge All Low
Topic Spaces ITM Table Name: KYNTOPICSP      
TEP Console Column Name WebSphere 7 PMI Attribute WebSphere 8 PMI Attribute WebSphere PMI Level Overhead
  Category: SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > Destinations > Topicspaces      
Incomplete Publication IncompletePublicationCount IncompletePublicationCount All Low
Local Publisher Attaches LocalPublisherAttachesCount LocalPublisherAttachesCount All Low
Local Publisher LocalPublisherCount LocalPublisherCount All Low
Total Local Subscription TotalLocalSubscriptionCount TotalLocalSubscriptionCount All Low
Non-durable Local Subscription NonDurableLocalSubscriptionCount NonDurableLocalSubscriptionCount All Low
Durable Local Subscription DurableLocalSubscriptionCount DurableLocalSubscriptionCount All Low
Total Messages Published TotalMessagesPublishedCount TotalMessagesPublishedCount All Low
Best Effort Non-persistent Messages Published BestEffortNonPersistentMessages PublishedCount BestEffortNonPersistentMessages PublishedCount All Low
Express Non-persistent Messages Published ExpressNonPersistentMessages PublishedCount ExpressNonPersistentMessages PublishedCount All Low
Reliable Non-persistent Messages Published ReliableNonPersistentMessages PublishedCount ReliableNonPersistentMessages PublishedCount All Low
Reliable Persistent Messages Published ReliablePersistentMessages PublishedCount ReliablePersistentMessages PublishedCount All Low
Assured Persistent Messages Published AssuredPersistentMessages PublishedCount AssuredPersistentMessages PublishedCount All Low
Total Local Subscription Hits TotalLocalSubscriptionHitCount TotalLocalSubscriptionHitCount All Low
Best Effort Non-persistent Local Subscription Hits BestEffortNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount BestEffortNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount All Low
Express Non-persistent Local Subscription Hits ExpressNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount ExpressNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount All Low
Reliable Non-persistent Local Subscription Hits ReliableNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount ReliableNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount All Low
Reliable Persistent Local Subscription Hits ReliablePersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount ReliablePersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount All Low
Assured Persistent Local Subscription Hits AssuredPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount AssuredPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount All Low
Report Enabled Publication Expired ReportEnabledPublications ExpiredCount ReportEnabledPublications ExpiredCount All Low
Local Oldest Publication Age LocalOldestPublicationAge LocalOldestPublicationAge All Max
Important: Some attributes were renamed between WebSphere Application Server versions 7 and 8. The names for version 8 also apply to version 8.5.