GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility
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5080 Work Stations

GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility

These are high-function work stations used particularly for graphics.

You need a special nickname and file definition to access it from your 3179 (or similar) terminal:

        NICKNAME FAM=1,NAME=*,

FILEDEF ddname GRAF cuu (ALLOC DS('DUMMY') DD(ddname) UNIT(cuu) OLD REUSE)

When you use a 5080 work station, the ICU panels, help, PF keys, and prompts are displayed on your terminal. If you display (PF5) or edit (PF11) your chart, or use the preview chart, it is displayed on the 5080 work station. So, you have to look at two different screens.

Set the preview chart on in all panels (panel M), and set both the First Row and Last Row to 1. This will give you a very large preview chart to refer to on the 5080 all the time you are creating the chart on your terminal.

If you use the 3270 feature on the 5080 (press the Jump Screen key to get it), you see everything on the 5080.

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