GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility
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Exploit the symbol editors

GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility

Using the symbol editors - see "GDDM publications" in topic I.2 - you can draw pictures either as Vector Symbols, or as Image Symbols. All panels that allow you to change text attributes (1.4.1, 1.9.1, 2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 4.1.1, or 5.1.1) have a Character mode option. To use these symbols, you need to change the Character mode:

  • To use Vector Symbols, change Character mode to 3. Vector symbols can be any size and color and can be rotated when used in chart notes.
  • To use Image Symbols, change Character mode to 2. Image Symbols, which are PIXEL patterns, can be very accurate and can be multicolored. To make the multicolors show, you must set the note color to 7 (neutral).

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