GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility
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Using this book

GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility

The next few topics of this book, starting at Chapter 4, "Learning 2 - Getting your chart" in topic 1.4, are for use at the computer terminal where you are using the ICU. So the next thing you should do is find a terminal and the local expert, who you will need to tell you some things that this book cannot.

When you have finished that section of the book, you will still need to use this book for reference. There are three things that will help you:

  1. The Contents list and "What do you want from this book?" at the start of the book
  2. The index at INDEX
  3. Appendix G, "Illustrated glossary" in topic G.0

The Contents and "What do you want from this book?" are at the beginning and explain how the book is arranged. The Contents shows the major headings and lists them with their page numbers in the order that they appear. "What do you want from this book?" explains how different readers can use the book for different jobs.

You use the Contents list to find out where to read about major topics. When you are looking for something more specific, use the Index.

The Index at the back of the book lists all the topics in the book in alphabetical order. It gives the number of the page where information about the subject is given. It also tells you what panel to use to do that job. Use it when you are looking for information on a specific subject.

The Glossary explains the meaning of the technical terms used in the book.

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Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2012