GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility
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Command lines

GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility

When items are listed they are numbered with command lines to their left. Everything except saving and copying can be done using the command lines to the left of the listed items.

To save or copy you use the top command line because you will not be using a name that is there already.

You can use the following commands in the Advanced Directory:

 (charts, data
 Brings the chart or data
 definition back so you can look
 at it or use it.
 D  delete  (all objects)  Erases the object.
 (all objects)
 The item to be copied to must be
 named on the top line.
 (charts, data
 Saves chart or data definition
 with an unused name. (Top line
 (charts, data
 Saves chart or data definitions
 re-using an old name. (Top line
 only--useful when you change a
 chart or data definition.)
 PR  print  (GDF only)  Prints GDF.
 SH  show  (GDF only)  Displays GDF.

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