GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility
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Selecting an item

GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility

If the item you want is a word, phrase or figure:

  1. Select an item-type by answering the "Which type of item?" question.
  2. Move the cursor to the start of the word or figure you want.
  3. Press PF4.
  4. Move the cursor to the end of the word or figure you want.
  5. Press PF5.

If the item you want is a column of data:

  1. Select an item-type by answering the "Which type of item?" question.
  2. Move the cursor to the start of the first word or figure you want.
  3. Press PF4.
  4. Move the cursor to the end of the last word or figure you want.
  5. Press PF5.

Everything within the colored rectangle will be included in the item.

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Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2012