Wrapping string values in cube views

Use CubeviewerStringWrap to set the parameters used when viewing string element cells in a Web Cube View.

To control the way a view is displayed and wrapped, set the values using the CubeviewerStringWrap parameter and save the web configuration file. Cells that are not displayed are still editable in a scrollable area by clicking in the wrapped region.

Turn wrapping of string cells in this view on or off. When set to "False" the column width is as wide as the longest string for any row in the current view. Set to "True" by default to turn on wrapping using these default parameters.
Set the minimum number of characters needed before wrapping. For instance, string values with less than 50 characters will not wrap within a cell. Set to 50 by default.
Set the maximum number of characters to display within the string cell. The cell may contain more than this number of characters, but they will only be displayed when double-clicking on the cell. If the MinCharactersToWrap is 50 and the MaxDisplayCharacters is 200, string cells containing 200 or more characters will consume approximately 4 lines. Set to 200 by default.
Set the number of characters used in the wrapped portion of the display. Set to 240 by default.
Use the following format in the tm1web_config.xml file (the following listing has a return in it for clarity but you should not enter a return).
<add key="CubeviewerStringWrap" value="Enabled=true;MinCharactersToWrap=50;
MaxDisplayCharacters=200;WidthOfWrapCell=240" />
Remember: CubeviewerStringWrap does not apply to websheets.