TM1RuntTI return codes and error messages

The following error messages are used by TM1RunTI.

Return codes and error messages

Return Code
Message: Description
None: The program completed successfully.
Password not specified: Password not specified as an argument or as a password file.
Short Help text: Necessary parameters not provided (user, server, process). The short help is sent to stdout. Equivalent to -?
Invalid number of parameters at <n>: More parameters were detected than are actually supported by the program, beginning at the <n> parameter.
Server connection failed: The program was unable to make a connection to a TM1® Server.
Calling process<TI_name> completed with minor errors: The TurboIntegrator process completed but with minor errors.
Calling process <TI_name> completed with messages:: The TurboIntegrator process completed but returned messages.
Error retrieving password: The program was unable to get the password from the password file. One of the other error messages listed may appear in stderr before this one, indicating more precisely the nature of the problem.
  • NULL key returned from reading <filename> key path.
  • NULL password returned from reading <filename> password file.
  • Error obtaining file status of <filename>.
  • Error opening <filename>.
  • Unable to allocate data for key.
  • Error reading <filename> key file.
TI process: <TI_name> not found on server: <server_name>: The TI process was not found on the specified server.
TI process: <TI_name> parameter cannot be read: Cannot read parameter information from the TurboIntegrator process.
TI process: <TI_name> no read access: Specified user does not have read access to the TurboIntegrator process.
calling process: <TI_name> called ProcessQuit.: The TurboIntegrator process called ProcessQuit.
calling process: <TI_name> aborted.: The TurboIntegrator process was aborted.
TI process: <TI_name> reading numeric parameter <param_name>=<param_value> failed: A non-numeric value was passed into a numeric TurboIntegrator parameter.
Other TI error: The TurboIntegrator process completed with an unspecified error.

Errors are also returned from the TM1API. They are displayed as (TM1 API Error) <xxx> where <xxx> is the value defined in the TM1API.

Modes of execution and error handling limitations

TM1RunTI can be run as a standalone executable, from within an operating system batch script, or from within a TurboIntegrator process.

The most straightforward way to run TM1RunTI from within TurboIntegrator is to use the ExecuteCommand() call to directly execute it. For example:

ExecuteCommand("tm1runti –i myconfig.config -connect prodserver –process update")

The ability to define connection and other relatively static parameters in a configuration file makes it possible to simplify the parameter list passed to TM1RunTI from a calling TurboIntegrator process, and to reduce maintenance effort by centralizing connection information.

Executing TM1RunTI directly from within a TurboIntegrator process using ExecuteCommand() has an important limitation. TM1RunTI returns an error code if it fails, but the ExecuteCommand() does not return the error code and there is no other mechanism in TurboIntegrator to access the return code after the call.

Another limitation to consider is that the process will have the same current drive and directory as the calling process (the server) which will be the database directory. This is documented in TurboIntegrator functions.

To deal with errors, execute TM1RunTI from a batch script called by ExecuteCommand so that the error return code can be obtained in CMD.EXE through the ERRORLEVEL variable and so that error messages can be logged or intercepted by redirecting stderr. Various options are then available to the application designer for handling the error, such as:

  • Write the error information to database.
  • Write the error information to a file and then, in a subsequent TurboIntegrator process, load the information into a cube. The cube can then be used for reporting, alerts, etc.
    Note: In versions 9.5.1 or earlier, this could create additional lock contentions.
  • Write the error information to a file or files and then, within the calling TurboIntegrator process, use the FileExists() TurboIntegrator process function to test for the existence of that file or files. The process can then take conditional actions based on the existence of the files generated by the batch script.