What you can do in Planning Analytics Workspace

Planning Analytics Workspace provides you with exciting ways to plan, create, and analyze your content.

Create books
Books provide a canvas on which to layout tables and visualizations, and can have multiple sheets. You can do the following in a book:
  • Collect and arrange content in a book to support a process.
  • Add navigation and text to guide users through a process.
  • Customize the formatting and layout of your books and sheets by adding logos, videos, graphics, and applying formats and text styles.
  • Include content from different cubes and databases in the same book.
  • Share books and views with people.
Find out more in Create a book.
Add TM1® content
Add content to books that is created in other TM1 applications, such as views and websheets. A websheet is a Microsoft Excel workbook with TM1 data that you can view in a web browser.
Find out more in Add a view that is used as a data source to a book and Websheets.
Create views for exploration and reporting
Create views for exploration and for reporting from cubes.
You can save views independently from books and access them from the Welcome page, and from Collections.
Find out more in Add a new view to a book.
Create sets to limit the number of members
Create sets from dimensions to limit the number of members that are seen. Power users can use MDX expressions to create sets.
Find out more in Create and edit sets.
Enter data
Enter data into table by typing in editable cells. You can also use data-spreading shortcuts to speed up the data entry process.
Find out more in Data entry and Apply data spreading.
Add visualizations (graphs)
Create a number of different graphs from your data views. For example, you can create bar charts, heat maps, and scatter plots.
Find out more in Visualizations.
Analyze data
Analyze data in views in a number of ways, such as by slicing and dicing the data to change context, by nesting dimensions, and by sorting and filtering on dimensions.
Find out more in Change the members in a view.
Model data
Create models for your data by creating dimensions and hierarchies, nesting dimensions, and creating views with dimensions and hierarchies.
Find out more in Model in Planning Analytics Workspace.
Create rules and processes
Create rules for calculations, and processes for managing and maintaining the model. Processes can then be grouped into chores for ongoing maintenance.
Find out more in Rules and TurboIntegrator processes.
Work in sandboxes
Work in sandboxes for views and websheets. You can plan and analyze in your own personal workspace without affecting live data on any of your TM1 databases.
Find out more in Explore scenarios with sandboxes.
Search for data by using natural language in the intent bar
You can search for data by using natural language capabilities. For example, you can type revenue by geography in the intent bar to modify the current view to show data that is organized by revenue and geography. You can also search and add views to the sheet by typing view before your phrase or keyword. For example, type view price to find a view with price in the metadata. If one or more views are found, you see a preview. You can choose to add the view from the preview, or refine your search.
You can also search for data manually by using the tree.
Save views and visualizations for easy retrieval in Collections
Collect a view or a visualization so that you can find and reuse the item in another sheet or book.
Find out more in Save items in collections.
Bookmark items
Bookmark items such as cubes, views, and sets, in the navigation tree for easy retrieval.
Find out more in Bookmark items.
Use snap commands to perform tasks
Snap commands are simple commands that you can use to perform tasks. For example, to swap rows and columns, type swap or sw in the snap command box. To find members in dimensions that are in the context area, type select member_name or se member_name). You can search for set and level names, for example, type big markets. You can hide members, for example, type hide S Series.
Find out more in Snap commands.
Work in websheets
Add websheets to books, and have websheets and views on the same sheet. You can export to PDF and to Microsoft Excel from websheets within Planning Analytics Workspace.
Find out more in Websheets.