Take advantage of improved cell formatting in TM1 Web websheets

The cell formatting of currency, fractions, phone numbers, and social security numbers in TM1® Web websheets has improved.

The following changes have been made to formatting of cells in websheets:

  • For numbers with more than 15 digits, cells in websheets round up the number to the first 15 digits. For example, 123456789123456992.00 appears as 123456789123457000.00. In Excel, only the first 15 digits are stored and remaining digits are replaced by zeros. For example, 123456789123456992.00 appears as 123456789123456000.00.
  • Currency appears with no space after the $ sign. Negative currency also appears with no space after the dollar sign. For example, $99.00 and -$999.00.
  • Fractions are formatted to appear in fraction format # ??/?? with a space between the whole number and the fraction. When the number is a whole number, the cell is formatted without a space after the whole number.
  • Social security numbers are formatted with the first 9 digits. Any digits that follow the first 9 digits are truncated. For example, 1849348202 appears as 184-93-4820 with the last digit 2 truncated. This formatting is different in Excel. For numbers with more than 9 digits, Excel adds the format to the last 9 digits while the additional digits at the beginning don't change. For example, in Excel, 1849348202 appears as 1849-34-8202.
  • Phone numbers are custom formatted. For example, you can format (123)456-7890 using the custom format of (###) ###-####, and you can format (99) 9999 9999 using the custom format of (##) #### ####.
    • From the Home tab, navigate to Format > Format Cells > Number > Custom. In Type, type the custom number format and click OK.
Table 1. Cell formatting comparison
TM1 Web version 2.0.6 or earlier TM1 Web version 2.0.7 or later Cell formatting in Excel
Websheet formatting in TM1 Web version 2.0.6 or earlier. Websheet formatting in TM1 Web version 2.0.7 or later. Cell formatting in Excel.

This cell formatting is enabled by default in TM1 Web websheets with the feature flag NewDataFormatter. The feature flag can be set in tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration\features.json.


    "NestedDbsEvaluation": false, 
    "NewIrrAlgorithm": false ,
    "NewDataFormatter": true