Uninstall Planning Analytics Workspace Local

When you follow these steps to uninstall Planning Analytics Workspace Local, you delete all Docker containers, databases, images, networks, and volumes that were created for Planning Analytics Workspace Local.


  1. If you are uninstalling Planning Analytics Workspace Local from:
    1. Microsoft Windows Server 2016 OS
      Open a command window, go to the directory where you extracted the installation kit, and enter the following command:
      scripts/paw.ps1 down --rmi all -v
    2. Linux OS (Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 or 8)
      Open a terminal window, go to the directory where you extracted the installation kit, and enter the following command:
      scripts/paw.sh down --rmi all -v
  2. Some utility containers and images might remain. To remove all unused items, run the following command:
    1. Microsoft Windows Server 2016
      docker system prune -a
    2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7
      docker system prune -a
    3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8
      podman system prune -a
  3. Delete the files in the directory where you extracted the installation kit.