Creating Pick Lists with Element Attributes

The easiest way to create a pick list is to define a text attribute named Picklist for a dimension. You can then specify the members of a pick list for each element within the dimension, using any of the pick list types described above. When an element has a pick list defined, any cube cell identified by that element displays a drop-down list containing the pick list values.


  1. In the Server Explorer, right-click the dimension for which you want to define pick lists, then click Edit Element Attributes.
  2. In the Attributes Editor, click Edit, Add New Attribute.
  3. In the New Attribute dialog box, enter Picklist as the attribute name.
  4. Select Text as the attribute type.
  5. Click OK.

    The Attributes Editor now contains a new column titled Picklist.

  6. For each element for which you want to create a pick list, enter a valid pick list definition at the intersection of the element name and the Picklist column.
    1. To enter a static pick list, enter a comma-delimited list of values using the syntax static:value1:value2:value3:value4.
    2. To enter a pick list that contains the members of a regular dimension, enter the pick list definition using the syntax dimension:dimension_name.
    3. To enter a pick list that contains the members of a named dimension hierarchy, enter the pick list definition using the syntax dimension:dimension_name\:hierarchy_name.
    4. To enter a pick list that contains the members of a regular subset, enter the pick list definition using the syntax subset:dimension_name:subset_name.
    5. To enter a pick list that contains the members of a subset of a named dimension hierarchy, enter the pick list definition using the syntax subset:dimension_name\:hierarchy_name:subset_name.
  7. Click OK to close the Attributes Editor and save the pick list definitions.