You can access the TM1® REST API in your IBM® Planning Analytics environment.

TM1 REST API is enabled in your Planning Analytics environment. You access it by entering a URL that ends with the string /api/v1/$metadata.

Note: You must enable your non-interactive account to access the TM1 REST API. For more information on the non-interactive account, see Setting up a non-interactive account for use in the LDAP namespace.


For example, a TM1 model is configured in the server environment, in the location tm1/api/Planning Sample. To access the TM1 REST API, type the following text: Sample/api/v1/$metadata

Note: If your TM1 server name includes a space, Planning Analytics creates two endpoints that you can use to connect to the server; one with a space in the server name and one without a space in the server name. For example, if you have a server named Planning Sample, both of these server endpoints are available:
  • https://<environmentname> Analytics/api/vi
  • https://<environmentname>

Some third-party applications might not be able to connect to a TM1 server with spaces in the name. If you encounter difficulty connecting to a server with spaces in the name, try using the endpoint without spaces in the server name.

For more information, see TM1 REST API.