Product overview

IBM® Network Performance Insight® is a network and device performance monitoring system. It provides comprehensive and scalable visibility on network traffic with visualization and reporting of network performance data for complex, multi-vendor, multi-technology networks with increased visibility into total network performance.

Network Performance Insight can monitor the performance of networks and IP network devices together with session data monitoring for enterprise markets.

Analysis and visualization of network traffic is essential for preventing network congestion and abuse. Network Performance Insight can help the Network Engineer or an Administrator gain tight control over an end-to-end resource usage for hosts, servers, applications, protocols, and interfaces. It can answer the following questions on your networks:
  • Where your network bandwidth is used?
  • Which device is consuming the bandwidth?
  • When are the network incidents noticed?
  • How it is being used?
  • How is your network performing and trending?
  • How is the information accessed?

The Network Performance Insight system dynamically generates detailed network traffic reports for different periods from flow-information streams such as NetFlow V9, IPFIX, J-Flow, CFlow, and NetStream.

Network Performance Insight can collect and store the SNMP metrics from IP SLA enabled devices and entity metrics from other devices. It can also collect, store, and render the specific preinstalled performance metrics from different vendor devices. It gives overview and detailed visibility into the application performance in your network and monitors your enterprise network for Congestion, Quality of Service, Traffic, and Device load.

All the metrics that represent the network performance and health can be rendered on the built-in Network Performance Insight Dashboards.