IBM Streams 4.2.1

Considerations for an IBM Streams hybrid environment

IBM® Streams supports a highly available hybrid environment that uses Secure Shell (SSH). The options and requirements for setting up a hybrid environment are similar to a production environment. This section describes the differences.


Each user of the product must enable SSH. For more information, see Configuring a Secure Shell environment for IBM Streams.


A root or non-root user installs the main installation package on all resources or uses a shared file system. This package includes all of the product files.
  • The preferred installation method in an SSH environment is to use a shared file system such as NFS or GPFS™, and install IBM Streams in a shared directory that is accessible from each resource.

  • If you install IBM Streams on each resource, you must satisfy the following requirements:
    • Install the product in the same location on each resource.
    • The installation owner and group must be the same on each resource.
    • The same version of the product must be installed on each resource.
    • If the installation is shared by multiple users, you must start the domain as the installation owner.

  • If the installation is shared by multiple users, all users including the installation owner must be part of the group that owns the installation.

Domain controller service

A root or non-root user can set up the domain controller service as a registered Linux system service or an unregistered service. For more information, see Options for setting up the domain controller service on IBM Streams resources.