IBM Streams 4.2

Operator Import

Primitive operator image not displayed. Problem loading file: ../../image/tk$spl/op$spl.adapter$Import.svg

The Import operator receives tuples from streams that are made available by Export operators of applications that are running in the same streaming middleware instance.

Import streams are matched to Export streams. The match can be done by subscription or properties or by streamId name.

The Import operator does not generate tuples inside stand-alone SPL applications.

The Import operator does not allow a config clause to be specified.

The Import operator behaves as multiple streams when connected to an input port that is punctuation-expecting.

Checkpointed data

The Import operator does not support checkpointing.

Behavior in a consistent region

The Import operator is not supported in a consistent region.

Checkpointing behavior in an autonomous region

The Import operator does not allow a config checkpoint clause to be specified.


This example uses the Import operator.

composite Main {                                                               
  type SomeTupleType = int32 x;                                                
    stream<SomeTupleType> I2 = Import() {                                   
      param applicationScope : "myApplicationScope";                           
             //application scope selected when exporting application launched  
           applicationName  : "some.nameSpace::MainOp";                        
             //main operator selected when exporting application launched 
           streamId : "StreamName";                                       
             //outside-in name in case of nested composite invokes        
    stream<SomeTupleType> TechBargains = Import() {                           
      param subscription : kind == "bargains" && category == "tech";            


This operator has 0 input ports and 1 output port.
This operator does not accept any windowing configurations.
This operator supports 5 parameters.

Required: subscription

Optional: applicationName, applicationScope, filter, streamId

This operator does not report any metrics.


Always - Operator always provides a single threaded execution context.

Output Ports

This operator does not allow assignments to output attributes.
Ports (0)

The Import operator has a single output port, which produces tuples from the imported streams.



This operator supports 5 parameters.

Required: subscription

Optional: applicationName, applicationScope, filter, streamId


Specifies the name of the application from which the stream is imported. This parameter is valid only when you specify the streamId parameter.

If the parameter is not specified, the fully qualified name of the main composite is used. For example, [namespace::] compositeName.



Specifies the application scope that limits which exporting applications the import can be matched against. If this parameter is not specified, the application scope is the application scope of the importing application (this can be set using the applicationScope config directive on the main composite, and it has a default value of "Default").



Specifies the dynamic filter expression that is used to filter tuples from the Export operator. The parameter value has a boolean or rstring data type. Valid filter expressions use the same expression syntax that the subscription parameter expression accepts, but the symbols must be attributes in the output string schema.

If the parameter has an rstring data type, it is parsed in the same way as an rstring of the subscription parameter. If a filter parameter is present, the Import operator submits downstream only the exported tuples for which the filterExpression evaluates to true.

The filter parameter can accept a filterExpression with:
  • nameOptionalSubscript relationalOperator literal
  • '!'? nameOptionalSubscript
  • literal in splIdentifer
  • nameOptionalSubscript % intLiteral relationalOperator intLiteral
  • filterExpression ( '&&' filterExpression) *
  • filterExpression ( '||' filterExpression) *
  • '(' filterExpression ')'
  • nameOptionalSubscript is an splIdentifier ('[' intLiteral ']')?.
  • relationalOperator is one of ==, !=, >, >=, <, or <=.
  • literal is an rstring, float64, float32, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, or boolean literal value.
  • splIdentifier is an attribute in the output stream of the Import operator. If there is a subscript or it is used with "in", it must have a list type, whose elements are one of the supported types for literals. Otherwise, it must not have a list type. If there is no operator and no literal, it must have boolean type. If the '!' operator is used, it must have boolean type.

If the application has user-defined parallelism and the Import operator is replicated in a parallel region, you can use the getChannel(), getMaxChannels(), getLocalChannel() and getLocalMaxChannels() SPL built-in functions in this parameter. The functions are evaluated when the job is submitted.

You can update the filter at run time by using setInputPortImportFilterExpression from SPL or a C++ primitive operator.



Specifies the external name of the stream that is being imported. You cannot specify both the streamId and the subscription parameter in an Import operator.

If neither the streamId nor subscription parameters are provided, the Import operator is a subscription import with an empty subscription that does not match any Export properties.

If the application has user-defined parallelism and the Import operator is replicated in a parallel region, you can use the getChannel(), getMaxChannels(), getLocalChannel() and getLocalMaxChannels() SPL built-in functions in this parameter. The functions are evaluated when the job is submitted.



Specifies the subscription expression that is used to specify the streams to be imported. The parameter can be a boolean or rstring predicate. The predicate refers to names that are defined by the properties of any Export operator within the Import operator's application scope and with a matching schema.

If the parameter is an rstring, it must be a compile-time constant value. The subscription parameter can accept a subscriptionExpression with:
  • nameOptionalSubscript relationalOperator literal
  • literal in splIdentifer
  • nameOptionalSubscript % int64Literal relationalOperator int64Literal
  • subscriptionExpression ( '&&' subscriptionExpression) *
  • subscriptionExpression ( '||' subscriptionExpression) *
  • '(' subscriptionExpression ')'
  • nameOptionalSubscript is an splIdentifier ('[' intLiteral ']')?.
  • relationalOperator is one of ==, !=, >, >=, <, or <=.
  • literal is an rstring, float64, or int64 literal value.
  • splIdentifier is an SPL identifier.
For example:
param subscription : (a == "hi") && ("x" in b || g[4] > 6.7 || id % 8l == 3l)

If the application has user-defined parallelism and the Import operator is replicated in a parallel region, you can use the getChannel(),getMaxChannels(), getLocalChannel() and getLocalMaxChannels() SPL built-in functions in this parameter. The functions are evaluated when the job is submitted.

You can update the subscription at run time from C++ primitive operators.


Code Templates

Import by Stream ID
stream<${schema}> ${outputStream} = Import()  {
                applicationName : "${mainCompositeName}";
                streamId : "${streamName}";

Import by Subscription
stream<${schema}> ${outputStream} = Import()  {
                subscription : ${subscriptionCondition};

Import by Subscription with Filter
stream<${schema}> ${outputStream} = Import()  {
                subscription : ${subscriptionCondition};
                filter       : ${filterCondition};