Visualization tools

Big SQL integrates with easy-to-use tools for data visualization: Zeppelin notebooks, Data Science Experience, Tableau, and Cognos.

Apache Zeppelin notebooks

Developers can use Apache Zeppelin notebooks to interactively run data-intensive applications using Apache Spark on the Hadoop cluster.

screen capture of a Zeppelin notebook

Learn more: Apache Zeppelin notebooks

Data Science Experience

You can configure Big SQL as a data source in Data Science Experience Local and then use DSX tools to analyze and visualize your data.

Screen capture of a Zeppelin notebook in Data Science Experience Local

Learn more: Integrating with IBM Watson Studio Local


Tableau provides a number of relational databases and Hadoop connectors to empower you to quickly and easily analyze rapidly growing data volumes. Tableau connectors integrate with Hadoop via the Hive layer, or using a SQL-on Hadoop technology, and with relational databases using native connectors or ODBC.

Tableau screen capture

Learn more: Integrating with Tableau


You can use IBM Cognos Analytics software to perform querying and reporting, analysis, scorecarding, and dashboarding on your BI data, allowing you to do the planning, scenario modeling, real-time monitoring, and predictive analytics needed for mission-critical business decisions.

IBM Cognos

Learn more: Integrating with Cognos Analytics