Defining Ehcache configurations for your clustered environment

Ehcache is used to support high availability and scalability replication of application cached data across different nodes in the cluster.

About this task

You can define the Ehcache configurations present in the configuration file on following location: <Distributed Marketing Home>/conf/collaborate_ehcache.xml.

Note: Configuration changes are not required if IBM® Distributed Marketing is not deployed on a web-app server cluster.

IBM Distributed Marketing Ehcache configuration support two different types of peer discoveries: automatic peer discovery and manual peer discovery.


  1. For automatic peer discovery, you can change the multicastGroupAddress and multicastGroupPort for your local network settings:
    properties="peerDiscovery=automatic, multicastGroupAddress=,
    multicastGroupPort=3232, timeToLive=32"/>
  2. For manual peer discovery, you can define cluster nodes and RMI ports to replicate cached data across cluster nodes. You can change the machine name and port as per your IBM Websphere cluster environment configuration.
    properties="port=40000, socketTimeoutMillis=20000"/>
  3. You can add more RMI URLs in the following format in case of you have more than two nodes participating in the IBM Websphere application server cluster.
  4. You will also need to enable cache replication for individual cache by uncommenting the configurations in collaborate_ehcache.xml for DMEventCache, DMSessionObjectLockCache, and DMListLockCache.